Tuesday, April 21st, 2015
Karen Cariani
Tom Cramer
Richard Green Ā
Julie Rudder
Jim Tuttle
Any other items?
ReviewĀ Audiences and Information Needs table
The Community has offered no suggestions for interviewees via the wiki form. Ā Shall we go ahead on the basis of our own list? Ā
- Yes let's move forward. By when? May 19th doable. Ā
- What format would be preferred - Skype/phone call would be best unless prohibited by scheduling then email is okay.Ā
- Julie will add suggestions from her email (April 8th) and assign herself.
- Karen will take a new name as noted in the chart
- Jim will pick up several as noted in the chart
Review Ā persona questions
TheĀ persona questionsĀ were revised and expanded. Ā Tom added a link to some ArcLight interview questions for comparison:Ā https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/ArcLight+Discovery:+Phase+2Ā Do we need to modify our questions/approach before interviewing?
- The persona questions were generally accepted, with some re-ordering to solicit experience based conversation. It is expected that certain conversations will bring up new questions and interviewers should feel fine adding questions.Ā
Next steps
Interviews? Ā Timescale?
- May 19th is target to have interviews completed.Ā
- May 5th call - is on, Julie will miss.Ā
- What to do with the information gathered from interviews?
- Ā For each interview, make a copy of the interview template, write up notes there and then place in HWPWG shared google folder.Ā
Other business
To help accommodate the needs of other IGs and WGs, can we move to a meeting schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month? Ā (That fits with our next couple of meetings)
- Group confirmed this is ok.Ā
- Richard will send a new invite.Ā
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 5th May, 1600 UK, 1100 ET, 0800 PTĀ