Tuesday 10th February
Tuesday 10th February
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#
Karen Cariani (WGBH)
Tom Cramer (Stanford)Richard Green (Hull) (apologies)
Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
Jim Tuttle (Duke)
Agenda and notes
- Roll call
- Welcome any new folks
- Facilitator and note taker for this call?
- Call for agenda items
- Reviews
- Web presence comparison matrix
- Persona materials: Personas from elsewhere :: Persona Template
- Look at key roles: Tuesday 27th January
- Next steps
- Next call
- Date? Tuesday 24th February?
- Facilitator? tbd
- Note taker? tbd
- Julie Rudder = Facilitator, Tom Cramer = Note taker
- Web Presence matrix = 75% done.
- Julie will complete Fedora (site was dog slow)
- Jim will pick up OpenCast
- Tom will do Figshare and Archivematica
- Personas
- general commendation for Julie's template; will add picture and name as a useful personification
- appreciation for Spotlight examples. Julie drew on Spotlight and simplified slightly.
- Avalon had two categories: primary users and secondary users
- What's missing from this list?
- Last April's Power Steering meeting generated, for marketing purposes, a list of stakeholders:
- * CFO
- * CIO
- * CTO
- * University Librarians / head library director (who may not be familiar with IT)
- * Provost
- * VP of Research
- * Medical School
- * Senior leadership in IT, enterprise architect types
- * Large(r) IT consultancy firms - product oriented
- * General council office and tech transfer (several +1s)
- * Purchasing
- * Computational scientists - HPC folk supporting faculty
- * Administrative computing
- * Managers of research infrastructure (eg DH data center managers)
- * Office of sponsored programs
- * Faculty senate
- * Drupallers (!)
- * IT managers & sys admins (who don’t have RoR / Agile / Hydra experience...)
- ...and not forgetting academic staff
- DevelopersArchivists
- new to Hydra (may not know RoR)
- experienced
- List is potentially too specific – computational scientists?
- Partners/AffiliatesDeveloper / Tech Staff, Managers, Administrators, Content/Functional Specialists, Affiliates
- DPLA, Archivematica, Fedora, etc.
- DPLA, Archivematica, Fedora, etc.
- Last April's Power Steering meeting generated, for marketing purposes, a list of stakeholders:
- Developers
- new dev (doesn't know RoR & Hydra stack components)
- veteran dev (
for wiki)
- sys admin
- architect / strategists --> doing tech assessment
- new dev (doesn't know RoR & Hydra stack components)
- Managers
--> need to understand project, what it does, how it works, but not necessarily how to do it, typically making the case internally on using Hydra
- tech managers
- enterprise architect types
- central IT
- project manager
- resource managers for IT staff
- Repository manager
- Administrators / Senior Leaders
--> Do you pass the smell test? quality site? trustworthy? Who is using it? etc.?
- UL (non tech)
- AUL (tech and non-tech) :
Tech may be coming to meetings, making the case internally: often the champions for project w/in administration but not spending all their time on it
- CIO (more technical)
- Provost???
- Committee members (doing tech selection, etc.)
- Content/Functional Specialists
- Preservation Librarians
- Archivists
- Metadata librarians
- Repository managers
- AV
- Geospatial, Science data..., etc.
- Affiliates
- Vendors & potential vendors
- Other projects–do they overlap, do they want to integrate (DPLA, Archivematica, Fedora users, Islandora)
- Granting agencies & funders
- Vendors & potential vendors
- Other vectors
- small IT shop vs. large IT shop
- completely new to project vs. potential adopter vs. current partners vs. longtime adopters
Next Steps:
- Tom will share a shortlist of personas
- finish web presences matrix
- think about how we will use this information
- next meeting:
- Feb 24 doesn't work for Karen or Tom
- Karen will propose alternative dates of Feb 26 or Mar 3 via email
, multiple selections available,
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