2024-05-15 Outreach & Engagement notes
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
@Jon Cameron
@Kevin Kochanski
@Adam J. Arling
@Karen Cariani
@Molly Reed
@Alicia Morris
Your name here!
Architecture for Samvera websites
Launch for Open Repositories by June 3 with Hyku site
Navbar - These should be standard, but we can probably customize if we have to.
Adam’s default would be to have them standard across the solution sites.
We can always make it so that we can update the Navbar headings later
For now, we’ll use these standard headings.
Navbar started with Avalon and we iterated on it:
About → Learn More
Software → Features & Implementations
Blog → News
Community → Getting Started
Contact → Contact
Avalon feedback (Jon)
Structure makes sense, will comment on ticket with some feedback
Would like the ability to edit headings, all might not be exactly the same (eg, “Features & Implementations” might better just be “Features” for Avalon)
Contentful - @Heather Greer Klein will set up one or two admin accounts for each solution (Hyku, Avalon, Hyrax).
Admins might have power over all the sites, but there would be a log of activity if someone accidentally botched something we’d know who!
Themes - each site should be able to pick a primary color to distinguish it that would be used as an accent
Action items:
Adam will ping Kevin when content is ready to move from the Hyku site
Kevin will move content
Jon will add some comments to the template ticket