2023-04-19 Outreach & Engagement notes
Apr 19, 2023
@Chris Awre
@Heather Greer Klein
@Alicia Morris
Molly Reed regrets (at ICOLC this week)
@Karen Cariani
@Kevin Kochanski
@Kirsten Leonard regrets (at ICOLC this week)
Item |
Literature around Samvera |
Samvera motto discussion |
Community stuff from SoftServ: |
Website update planning |
other items -Virtual Connect WG update |
Literature around Samvera
Chris forwarded a message from a publisher earlier. These are not uncommon, but this book would reach a European audience and is an open access book. Not a lot of mentions of Samvera in the literature, or anything at the OR conference this year other than the repo rodeo.
What specific topics? The offer came from an article many years old about the journey of the community, immediately after the name change.
Chris and Richard have written about how they made use of Blacklight in a more recent book chapter. Often an opportunity to showcase an option in the marketplace.
Do we have writers in the community? Often a search of the literature is part of a selection of technology. DSpace has a big presence in the literature.
Hyku for Consortia work with the community is a fascinating area for this; want to discuss it when Kirsten is back!
Chris will reach out to learn more about this specific opportunity
Will request anything that has been written, and put out a call for anyone who would be interested.
Samvera motto discussion
Great discussion at Partner meeting
Next steps?
Next meeting is after Virtual Connect – let folks know it is a work in progress
Give each group member a number of votes, to narrow it down?
Could have Partners vote if we want to; could for either choice or acceptance
For next meeting: take these options and see what other ideas they spark; share our top 3-5 preferences via our working group email lists and will discuss at next meeting
Two SoftServ community items
Proposed Valkyrie sprints, funding sprints to start May-June. Kirsten is leading the initiative to raise funds from the community
Will offer virtual training sessions series. Focus on responding to the community demand for training, to help make the community more self sufficient.
Training idea is one full day, with pair programming
Website planning
Heather will make an issue to start with the blog, allowing better formatting
Will pick this up next time, talk about how to organize the work
Adam will give 5 min overview of the new website at Virtual Connect