2024-09-18 Outreach & Engagement notes


Add the Outreach and Engagement Working Group meetings to your calendar


  • @James Griffin

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Molly Reed

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Chris Awre

  • Your name here!

Agenda & Notes

  • Architecture for Samvera websites

  • Upcoming press releases/blog posts

    • Hyku site press release

    • Molly’s making the case documents

  • Samvera style guide - notes below from last meeting

  • Samvera repository tour

    • updates to existing content

    • call for additional items

  • Checking on meeting frequency -

    • Attendees agreed that monthly would work for now on, third Wed

    • can engage on slack for works in progress

  • Communications planning for October-January

  • Other discussion items/open discussion time

Action items: