2023-10-04 Outreach & Engagement notes



  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Karen Cariani - arriving late

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Adam J. Arling

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • Molly Reed

  • @Chris Awre


Contentful and website planning updates

Twitter/X alternatives

  • Heather still feeling out what other communities are thinking about/using

Any volunteers to give a 5 minute update at Connect?

Upcoming press releases:

  • Hyrax 5 when released

  • British Library as new Partner - right after Connect

  • New Board members and Chair - after election (1st week in December?)

Making the case for supporting Open Source: how to break down the process to create this as a page on our website? Could first step be all of us gathering existing resources? Can we ask how this is being pitched now, and what is getting through? Who are their trusted sources? Showing that there is not one solution for all problems, need to be able to talk to other systems.




Press release list

Library Technology Guides

American Libraries Direct (ALA)

ACRL ScholComm Discussion Group

ACRL Insider

Library Journal

Library Journal Info

ICOLC Listserv

University Business Magazine


Information Today

Against the Grain (Charleston Hub)

Hyku for Consortia Listserv

European mailing lists: jisc-repositories@jiscmail.ac.uk, diglib@iflalists.org,

Of these, Library Technology Guides, Against the Grain, ICOLC and ACRL almost always publish what PALNI send.

Action Items