2023-02-08 Outreach & Engagement notes


Feb 8, 2023


  • Chris Awre - regrets

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Kevin Kochanski






Website refresh process discussion, next steps


Samvera motto discussion


other items



  • Molly’s notes on the PALNI process https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xe9VWDb1piq0mCqu13htvN-Dsl2i7Sz0RPmW1y7u7TY/edit

    • Started with a content audit and clean-up

    • Checked URLs to simplify URLs, for greater SEO and marketability

    • maximized top real estate, top half of the homepage

    • general content refresh for friendly, web writing style. Collapsing to one page, condensing to an easy to find format.

    • Avoid PDFs for accessibility; if using, make sure to use accessibility wizard

    • Current, updated, sized photos

    • What about older blog posts? Maybe back 2-3 years, but keeping as a historical document

  • Want to incorporate Samvera strategy and value; benefits and value to administrators as well as implementers – front and center

  • Message that we have committed to the onboarding process

  • publishing schedule and content plan for the blog? Heather will follow up on this

  • technology stack very valuable part of the site
