2023-08-23 Outreach & Engagement notes


Aug 23, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Adam J. Arling

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • Molly Reed

  • @Chris Awre - regrets


Adam will share some potential CMS options that work with our GitHub pages

Group agreed that exploring the Contentful nonprofit or free option is a great way to move forward with making the website more dynamic.

Anyone who would like a user account Adam or Heather can help.

Press release process: Hyrax 5, Julie Allinson Award

Motto promotion

Promoting donations to the Julie Allinson Award Fund

Action Items

  • Follow up about Hyku channels @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Heather Greer Klein will follow up about Contentful and the nonprofit option, and add more items to the test models for the group to review

  • @Adam J. Arling will experiment with the exporting options for Contentful