Samvera Marketing Group, November 17th

Samvera Marketing Group, November 17th

Reflections on autumn meetings (Partner meeting, Connect, and Partner call)

  • Question raised about what we are marketing and nature of the community, given the presentation on H2 from Stanford and their shift away from the technology stack the community has evolved over time (whilst still engaging actively in the community and sharing where they can).

  • A focus is perhaps more on the community itself rather than community code. That raises a question about what Hyrax etc. is and how we support this.

  • This matter was referred to the Board for their retreat in January. Input from the Marketing Group to this in framing the discussion would be welcome.

Partner prospectus

  • Heather had been working on this and considers it revised and fit for purpose now.

Website updates

  • These have been mostly completed (by Heather). The Dev Congress is going to be used to look at the tech language being applied.

  • A review of the community page and associated white paper is invited, as these seem to be slightly out of date now.

Conference sponsorship

  • The Board has queried the purpose of sponsoring conferences. Input from the Board to clarify the use of the sponsorship funding will be welcome pending a vote on the budget overall.

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