Agenda 19-03-27

Agenda 19-03-27

The agenda for the Samvera Marketing WG call on March 27th will be:

  1. Review of notes and actions from previous call  Agenda 19-03-13
  2. Workpackages
    1. Personalising the website
      1. https://wiki.duraspace.org/x/JZJ7Bg
    2. Slide decks
    3. Leaflet
    4. FAQ development (Samvera FAQ and leaflet text)
    5. Case studies 
  3. Events
    1. Virtual Connect
    2. Samvera Partners meeting

eventually extract presentations from larger slide deck for specific audiences

Leaflet - look at and make comment - make ready for Partners in April - 

FAQ - accepted a bunch of changes to FAQ

   Reference to Fulcrum/ Heliotrope is not consistent - at applications and demos webpage - out of date - doesn't reflect initiative that Nabeela herself has worked on

    May be useful to point people to directly - applications and demos web-page

   Update the web-page (Applications and Demos) - use info on wiki to make sure links are up to date and copy resources/ apps/ demos links from there

   Future proofing FAQs - linking out in a general 

What's it cost to implement Samvera (FAQ) - who has adopted - we can say this

in US - more likely to stand up their own, in UK - more likely to do HyKu.  But Notch8, Ubiquity, etc... working to stand up  

How do we know Samvera will be around in 5-10 years -

Do we need to be more explicit ?  Highlight that Hyrax takes the best parts of previous implementations

Google Doc of last year's questions and development since -

-Governance Structure

-Inclusiveness and code of conduct

-Alternative approaches to developing a repository solution

-Why did we pick the components we are using

-I've for a gem that could help add to what Samvera does.  How could I share with others?

-Samvera and Duraspace relationships

White Paper coming out - from Roadmap - would pre-empt some technical questions - go to White Paper describing Samvera technologies, usefully precludes framing more technical questions - 

Information about CLA's - that might be good - official contributors

Clarification between Duraspace and Samvera - answer how this works.  

working toward releasing the FAQ before Virtual Connect - 

Case Studies:  bullets around themes - Chris will flesh out.  

Avalon Case Study to Chris by tomorrow afternoon.

Richard has put a spot in Partners Meeting for Marketing - 

Open Repositories - table at OR - Room for Samvera Europe meeting

Follow up to last time - Steering agreed - will sponsor DLF.  Workshop at beginning of week, table and a spot.  

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