Agenda 19-03-13

Agenda 19-03-13

Agenda for the Samvera Marketing WG, March 13th 2019

  1. Review of notes and actions from previous call  Agenda 19-02-27
  2. Louisa Kwasigroch (DLF)
  3. Workpackages
    1. Personalising the website
      1. https://wiki.duraspace.org/x/JZJ7Bg
    2. Slide decks
    3. Leaflet
    4. FAQ development (Samvera FAQ and leaflet text)
    5. Case studies 
  4. Events
    1. Digital Initiatives Symposium
    2. Virtual Connect
  5. Marketing Slack channel
  6. Roadmap Council White Paper


People from 10 countries - 6-700 people annually, doubled in past 6 years 190 institutions

Forum place for them to get together - don't need to be a member to attend or present

70% of Samvera founders and partners have people there - 60% of the people we work with are there.  that's only 12% of the total institutions.  

DLF doesn't do marketing/ spam - hands on sort of experience.  

Table - Logo out there, materials - Hydra was there 3 years ago.  

Tracks - 5 concurrent sessions, so tracks coming - how do we fit in.  Avalon represented, Blacklight, Samvera - Working meeting - informal meet-up, 

Samvera could do its introductory workshop on the workshop day?

Collections, recources, technology and infrastructure - Intro Workshop - Learn@DLF - 3 hour workshops, 

Platform updates/ technology updates-

Sponsors - what do they get?  How do they best serve needs of the forum.  Sooner you commit, more attention you get - "Samvera will have a table"

If we're trying to do something specific - work with Louisa to figure out where best to be

Swag - informal headshot?  What can we have at our table?  Socks!  

CLIR/ DLF - Looking for more tech-GLAM events, Code4Lib, CLIR goes to 2 new conferences per year.  Tribal association.  Music libraries.  Based on location.  

DLF pulled inward, more money to fellowships.  Include food in cost, so its more.  

as DLF became more open, take care of folks on the fence or considering forum.  DLF has subsidized childcare.  Code of Conduct.  

Growth has been targeted - liberal Arts schools in the US.  Was r1's, SMithsonian, etc... changed structure to allow different rates.  Liberal Arts community used to have own day, but now they're incorportaed in.  Museums now have their own day as they come in.  

Sensitivity of conferences - need to have better communication to prevent date "problems" Connect with DLF

DLF will provide us orgs and titles of who was at the Forum 2019 - tailor levels of sponsorships to what we need - 

Lowest level of sponsorship that provides a table is $2500 - but this includes a "free" place which might go to someone doing our workshop?

Two points:  Call for proposals is out and on their website,  Sunday 28th of April is deadline - for presentation and w/shop proposals

DigiPres - someone in Samvera in Community - someone will present on behalf

25th Anniversary - engagements - ways in which DLF can work with others to showcase what DLF does with other partners - highlight Samvera in that context? 

DLF sponsor Samvera connect - get Samvera members to come to Connect -


Ryan wants to start contacting candidates about website profiles soon.  Need to be sensitive to any overlap between "our" questions and those some of them might also get from the Contribution model WG.  Ensure they no the CMWG questions/answers will be anonymised.

Karen has been through the slide deck - any further comments?

Leaflet - redesign on-going.  New one planned pre- April Partner meeting.

FAQ.  Thanks for feedback.  Any more?  Need now to gather answer to questions that we have but have not yet added to the public FAQ - need to identify people who can helpn us answer them.  Roadmap Council White Paper may help with some (please look through before next call).  Also need to deal with comments added to our FAQ doc and resolve them.

Case studies - Chris has adapted the CoSector template and circulated it to potential respondents.

Marketing Group has a 3 minute slot in Virtual Connect.  The Chair and Chair-elect of Steering have a 7 minute slot which will likely mention marketing too.

Ryan to get stickers printed for Digital Initiatives Symposium and for the rest of the year.  Original artwork to Steering for safe-keeping if possible.

Marketing Slack channel

Now operational.

Roadmap Council White Paper

Circulated in draft to Steering.  Publication imminent (certainly before LDCX 25-27 March).

Next call

27 March.  Apologies from Richard (travelling)

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