Agenda 18-09-26

Agenda 18-09-26

Agenda items for the Samvera Marketing WG

  1. Review of progress/status with production of marketing materials
  2. Final feedback on FAQ text
    1. Question referring to costs/resourcing
  3. Practicalities at Connect (bringing the different materials together)
  4. Feedback from Samvera Europe meeting
  5. Beyond Connect
    1. WG membership
    2. Longer term aims and goals re: marketing Samvera

Current Doc:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DuweHDU--kfSAnCuDLm1vQi-0mtnXeg21Pv_8CTZgzw/edit

  • Mugs produced
  • Leaflet - aggrieved format with designer here - procurement issues 
  • Adobe creative cloud turned off briefly but has now been addressed - can still be printed in Utah - get something to printer for the 3rd.
  • Raise leaflet printing with Brian - Chris will ask.  
  • Chris will add a page to wiki page for "what we should put on the memory sticks"
  • Practicalities at Connect:   Meet at Guest House by 7:30 on Sunday night
  • Mark Bussey shared design for the Samvera sticker and he's bringing a whole bunch with him - he has put that on a closed Steering page w/ t-shirt designs - access, but an idea of who has access by Steering
    • if at Wiki - highly accessible
    • careful with anything with original logos until we have final trademark on products 
    • Sticker and leaflet - which use the logo in a reasonable way - but them in Wiki in closed folder specifically set up as a place where people can request via email

Feedback on FAQ info - 

2 questions since then: 

Degree to which it is reasonable to express that the repository does lots of things - could Samvera in any sense be classed as a preservation system?  Hard to describe Samvera as a preservation system.  

What does it offer- what is the future?  Priorities and emphasis?  

Feature list?  - of Hyrax - can get from Tom Johnson and Steve Van Tuyl

"Samvera part of a preservation environment."  example:  Hull is working with Artefactual.  

Make it clear that there is effort involved - not fair to suggest it's a turnkey solution.  

Steph - from a service provider's perspective - 

By Connect - have the FAQ on the website by Connect - 

AI - section  - take a look at costs area and address queries that have been raised


AI - Reach out to Tom and Steve re: capabilities of current Hyrax - Charlotte is reaching out

AI - Ryan will look at costs area for final language (with Steph)

Europe - Had a discussion similar regarding what Chris is looking forward to in N. America.

Beyond Connect:  

Practical - WG - supposed to have a fixed timeframe, this one up to Connect.  To what point do we extend ourselves and how do we ask for participation for the next phase?

AI - Chris will see what people want to do beyond Connect via email - 

Based upon what we've been able to do so far - What does it mean to market Samvera?

Push for Marketing a standing Committee or WG.  Worthy of a group of people watching over this area of operations permanently.

Recognition that there are different audiences - 

FAQ and leaflet reflect needs of different audiences in a common channel of communication.  Something clearer for a description of Samvera.  Make it usable for different audiences.

Flesh out different communication channels to develop them in different ways for different audiences.  

One general catch-all FAQ is great - and necessary - specific FAQs for different audiences. 

What's been happening at your institution?  Case studies - Intro to Samvera workshop - find out what various workshop use cases are - pin down on Monday what the use cases are.

If and when the staff person becomes a reality - working group's responsibilities v. the community manager - blog post - what's happening around the community?

Could we have a Samvera blog with invited posts?  Use case vs. blogs.  Helps to share the fact and communicate the ideas about it. 

A bit more about what's happening elsewhere. 

How do we convince folks to stay with the open source open access movement? 

Ask Steering for a thrust for what the next phase might be - to back up partners? - 

And how can you contribute to that?

Providing slide deck - consistency of messaging - expand that idea - produce more than one PPT - decks that people can pick up what the slide is about/ choice of materials that people can draw from.  

Next thing we do is working on refining messaging via the PPT development.  


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