Agenda 19-08-14

Agenda 19-08-14

The agenda for this call is as follows:

  1. Notes and matters arising from previous call (on June 19th)
  2. Current tasks review
    1. Profiles
    2. Case studies
    3. Audiences
    4. Capturing conference presentations/contributions on Samvera
  3. Update on Samvera visioning
  4. Events
    1. DLF
    2. Samvera Connect
      1. Marketing WG input
      2. Marketing activity


  • Charlotte has offered to represent the Marketing WG in the development of the Samvera vision through the Visioning WG.  This is a short-term piece of work leading up to Connect, and Charlotte will step away from Marketing to focus on this work during this time.
    • A key role that the Marketing WG can play in the development and implementation of the vision is a consideration of how the vision will work in a marketing context.
  • Current tasks
    • Profiles - Ryan had gathered some initial input on these so we have some seeds.  Ryan has now left the group (and Samvera Community) to a new role.  Chris will re-visit the content gathered so far and the forms, and see what could be made available on the website ahead of Connect to prompt others to contribute as well.
    • Case studies - Some had been received in the original invitation, but waiting for the others had delayed processing them as a whole.  Chris will re-visit these and look to get what we have up on the website ahead of Connect.
    • Audiences - There had a been a useful call in July between Chris, Charlotte and Alicia to discuss how Samvera addresses different audiences.  Chris will pick up this thread and develop an initial audience-specific view for comment by the Group.
    • Capturing conference contributions on Samvera - This had come up previously, and the existing page at Events, presentations and articles was available to surface these.  Chris to check with Richard on reach out about this to inform next steps in encouraging contribution.  Canvassing Steering Group was suggested as a potentially useful starting point.
  • Events
    • DLF - A table will be present at DLF and attendance at this is being coordinated by Robin Ruggaber and Karen Cariani.  A Samvera table cloth is being bought for use there and at other big events where Samvera has a table (to be couriered around as need be).  A fresh batch of hex stickers are also being printed.
    • Samvera Connect - Discussion took place on how the Marketing WG could present updates at Connect.  A specific session was unlikely, and input to the plenary State of Samvera might be better than a separate slot.  Chris will canvas attendance (as not everyone was on the call) to check who might be available to help.  There will be no bags or other stuff this year other than the stickers and, hopefully, leaflets that can be printed out locally in St Louis.

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