Samvera Marketing WG agenda, March 24th 2021
Notes and matters arising from the previous meeting (21-03-10)
Charlotte shared the latest version, which had taken on board the feedback originally provided. Some further feedback was offered, and can also be sent to Charlotte directly. The map would be referenced at the Partners meeting and showcased at Virtual Connect.
Samvera meetings upcoming
The topics to be covered at each meeting were confirmed: the Partners meeting will focus on the communications logic model/peer recognition/social media/use of the Samvera Repo, whilst Virtual Connect will focus on the communications logic model and the StoryMap.js repository tour.
Code4Lib sponsorship
Code4Lib is taking place this week. The Samvera logo is on the sponsors page, and it is also being referenced in opening and closing presentations.
Case studies and user profiles update
Chris updated the group on progress with these. Initial enthusiasm had waned a bit, so chasers are being sent. New requests had been sent to those who had submitted ideas for the Repository Tour later.
Nabeela proposed the idea of an institutional brief summary of engagement/activity as a companion piece. This idea will be developed and brought back for further consideration.
Heather presented this proposal. The Group affirmed it, and it will be taken to the Partners meeting for consideration.
Getting started wiki page outline
An initial piece of work shared for information. Feedback will be invited once further progress has been made.
An initial discussion about the possible benefit of personas as a way of highlighting the different ways of engaging with the Samvera Community. The idea was tentatively agreed, to be explored further off the back of user profiles and institutional summaries received.