Agenda 19-02-13

Agenda 19-02-13


  • Chris Awre, facilitator (University of Hull)
  • Karen Cariani (WGBH)
  • Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)
  • Richard Green (University of Hull)
  • Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan)
  • Alicia Morris (Tufts University)
  • Charlotte Nunes (Lafayette College)
  • Steph Taylor (CoSector)


  1. Review of notes and actions from previous call  Agenda 19-01-16 (held on January 30th)
    1. Ryan will be in touch with DLF about their marketing strategies and about how Samvera might do its own marketing at the 2019 DLF Forum.
    2. The draft Roadmap Council white paper is still in development
    3. The possibility of a "downloadable" Hyrax install for local experimentation has been taken to the Roadmap Council for consideration.
    4. Steering has received an estimate of the costs for maintaining a Samvera repository of Connect materials on AWS: it will be considered on the next SG call.
  2. Membership
    1. Stephanie has resigned her post at CoSector ahead of moving to the US.  Chris will take the opportunity to invite additional participation in the Working Group.  Steph was thanked for all her hard work and we wish her well.
  3. Workpackages
    1. Personalising the website
      1. Individual Profiles
      2. Ryan has proposed a set of individuals to feature on-line as examples of different aspects of our Community (link above).  The list was approved and the group made suggestions for "back-up" names (Richard to check and look up contact details (tick). Ryan and Charlotte will now work to develop appropriate guidelines for the profiles.
    2. Slide decks
      1. Samvera's introductory workshop proposal for Open Repositories 2019 has been accepted and this will drive a review of the comprehensive slide deck on the wiki.  A number of slides containing "volatile" Community info and stats will certainly need to be updated.  The case studies incorporated will be reviewed to ensure that they are still appropriate and that the presenters are comfortable using them.
      2. Longer term, we perhaps need several sets of the early slides to provide "tailored" introductions for various audiences
      3. Karen will take a look at the deck and add instructions to the wiki explaining its purpose and how to use it - including identifying the volatile slides that should be checked each time. Hope to complete by Virtual Connect (end April).
    3. Leaflet
      1. No further work has been done on this yet but a new, improved version is anticipated soon - certainly in time for Virtual Connect and the April Partner meeting (Chris).
    4. FAQ development
      1. Steph, Charlotte and Alicia will review.  Jon Dunn has recently had a conversation "with Toronto" about the use of Samvera.  We should ask him what they particularly wanted to know and address those concerns in the FAQ. See also item #5 below.
    5. Case studies
      1. Steph has provided the template developed for CoSector case studies; it was designed with a web page as the intended outcome.  Note that it is common for people to ask that quotable quotes be invented for them that they can sign up to.  The draft case study is always shared with the subject for their approval.
      2. ALL feedback to Chris about the templates suitability for our proposed marketing case studies.
  4. Open Repositories
    1. Chris will take over liaison with the OR team about a Samvera presence (aka table) at the conference and about a room for a meeting of Samverans.  Richard to pass existing correspondence to him (tick).
    2. ALL: Marketing Group need to decide what "goodies" to take to OR and get approval for costs.
  5. Samvera Virtual Connect
    1. Should we reserve a slot to talk about the work of the Marketing Group and why it is important? - YES
    2. Use the presentation to get input on why people are part of the Community - perhaps a word cloud rather than a survey?
    3. Ask people to look at the existing FAQ list.  What other questions would it be useful to answer there (aka, what do people ask them)?
  6. Date of next call
    1. Wednesday 27th February 0830PT, 1130ET, 1630UK
      1. Apologies: Richard

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