Samvera Marketing WG - March 23rd, 2022
Notes from the call held. Heather and Chris were present.
Institutional profiles
All members of the Marketing WG are asked to complete a institutional profile for their institution ahead of the Virtual Samvera Partners Meeting, to use as examples in advocating completion of the profile to others.
The template can be found at Partner profile questions. Please take a copy and send the completed form to Heather.
Website move
Heather shared a charter for a Website Migration Working Group for review. This will be circulated across lists shortly.
Heather confirmed that Supporter level sponsorship for Code4Lib has been paid - our logo is now on the conference website (see Sponsors )
Information on sponsoring Open Repositories is vague (see ). Heather will reach out to get additional details.
Samvera Virtual meetings
The Marketing WG will have a 5 min update at Virtual Connect.
Coverage of the institutional profiles and website move will be useful at the Samvera Partners Meeting (agenda to be confirmed).
Connect 2022
The call for participation in the Organizing Committee has gone out for this conference. Those with prior experience of helping with a face-to-face conference are especially welcome as we return to this mode of community engagement.
Annual Report
Heather is preparing the Samvera Annual Report, and will circulate a draft for comment by members of the WG soon.