2023-02-22 Outreach & Engagement notes


Feb 22, 2023


  • @Chris Awre

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Kevin Kochanski





Website refresh process discussion, next steps

Samvera motto discussion


other items



  • Heather and Adam are meeting Friday 2/24 to work through the DNS issue

  • Archiving blog posts 2 or more years old, so that we can still access old information but it isn’t taking up real estate on the site

  • Hope to have the GitHub site live by our next meeting (3/8)


  • No community additions

  • Perhaps bringing something to Partners in person meeting as an activity

    • Potentially use breakout rooms

    • Potentially poll for keywords first, and that may inspire a motto

  • This group is zeroing in on some themes but not a specific motto:

    • Open Source

    • Open Scholarship

  • Will test a brainstorm process in the next (3/8) Outreach call before Partners

Cancelling 3/22 because of conflict with in person Partners.


  • Samvera isn’t sponsoring

  • Putting together an informal Samvera dinner