2023-02-22 Outreach & Engagement notes
Feb 22, 2023
@Chris Awre
@Heather Greer Klein
@Alicia Morris
@Kevin Kochanski
Item |
Website refresh process discussion, next steps |
Samvera motto discussion |
other items |
Heather and Adam are meeting Friday 2/24 to work through the DNS issue
Archiving blog posts 2 or more years old, so that we can still access old information but it isn’t taking up real estate on the site
Hope to have the GitHub site live by our next meeting (3/8)
No community additions
Perhaps bringing something to Partners in person meeting as an activity
Potentially use breakout rooms
Potentially poll for keywords first, and that may inspire a motto
Mentimeter: Interactive presentation software
This group is zeroing in on some themes but not a specific motto:
Open Source
Open Scholarship
Will test a brainstorm process in the next (3/8) Outreach call before Partners
Cancelling 3/22 because of conflict with in person Partners.
Samvera isn’t sponsoring
Putting together an informal Samvera dinner