Tuesday, May 5th, 2015
Tuesday, May 5th, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Karen Cariani
Tom Cramer
Richard Green
Julie Rudder (apologies)
Jim Tuttle
This call is intended just to be a brief check in. Any other items?
Audiences and Information Needs table
Progress on interviews?
Karen and Richard are both lining up interviews
Comments about the table?
- Are these working?.
Next steps
- May 19th is target to have interviews completed.
- What to do with the information gathered from interviews?
- For each interview, make a copy of the interview template, write up notes there and then place in HWPWG shared google folder.
Other business
Reminder we have settled on first and third Tuesdays for calls - no longer simply "bi-weekly".
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 19th May, 1600 UK, 1100 ET, 0800 PT