2022-10-20 Meeting notes


Oct 20, 2022


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Rick Johnson

  • @Don Brower

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Carolyn Caizzi

  • Alberto Martinez


  • We had one session withdrawn but another session was added in it’s place (lucky timing!)

  • I added myself as a lightning talk at the end of day 1 so we have three in that block

Review day-of logistics for next week:

  • Host and slides for each day. Slides need to be updated to reflect the schedule for each day

    • Monday – Heather; will write the shorter community guidelines introduction for each day as well

    • Tuesday – Don

    • Wednesday – Carolyn

    • Thursday – Kevin

  • Monitoring Connect channel – message out to helpers

  • Getting confirmation message to speakers

  • Attendee reminder goes out today Friday

  • Other logistics?