2018-01-16 Meeting notes

2018-01-16 Meeting notes





  • Update on action items from last week
    • Personas 
    • List of proposed Github labels for UI/UX issues
    • Pattern library or style guide effort
      • Is Bootstrap enough or not?
    • Progress on new round of DURT testing?

Discussion items


Collection ExtensionsAdam
  • Adam gave a quick demo of the Admin interface for Collection Extensions.
  • Quickly broached the topic of release planning and potential UI/UX testing.
  • Might be good for Governance group to figure out an effective way to incorporate testing.
  • By the time something is merged into Hyrax/Nurax, it might be too late to identify and implement needed changes.
  • We could consider trying paper-based testing or mockups.


Is there a document listing current Hyrax personas? Or are the personas documented in https://osf.io/wpb8q/ enough to run with?

  Style guide effort update Adam J. ArlingThoughts:
  • To begin, run with Bootstrap as it's familiar, in place and can be customized?
  • Bootstrap4 upgrade? Can we build a styled theme on "4", or is Hyrax waiting on something to upgrade?
  • Has Hyrax ever had design attention or work? Where did the green logo come from? Is there a color scheme? A Hyrax "font face"? Can we just use Samvera colors/fonts/styles (http://samvera.org/) to start if not?


  • http://styleguides.io/ - A good resource showcasing many organization's pattern / style libraries and guides.
  • Something relatively simple, like http://ux.mailchimp.com/patterns/ I think is a good place to start. Specifically the sections "Typography", "Form Elements", "Feedback", "Dialog".

    We could set Bootstrap variables (ie. define a custom font face, buttons are squared instead of rounded, primary color is green, alert messages have a certain background color(s), etc.) which would generate our own "style guide".

Actions - Style Guide:

  • Start work on a simple document/web site, defining and presenting the above. Could this be a github repo?
  • Start a branch from Hyrax `master` which addresses:
    • How CSS is brought into the application
    • Set Bootstrap variables before compilation
    • Clean up current CSS. Remove unused styles. Consolidate and organize the SASS.

Actions - Pattern Library:

  • Start a Gitbub repository of common elements in Hyrax, and craft examples of their proper usage.

Action items

  • Jenn Colt: Send interest call announcement for Collection Extensions testing

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