

We're meeting via Google Hangout: https://hangouts.google.com/call/3onr5q5q45qghzl7cavpptnidaa (Patricia will initiate the hangout).


  1. Introductions
    1. Who can take notes?
  2. Brief history of UXIG
  3. What is the group interested in? What does it want to accomplish?
  4. Who is interested in leading or co-leading?
  5. Next steps (e.g., topic or plan for the next call)
    1. Platform for the next and ensuing calls?

Next meeting: November 17 - 4 PM Eastern / 3 PM Central / 1 PM Pacific


Notetaker: Patricia

  1. User Introductions

    1. Sonya - at U. Alberta, which just went live with their Hydra/Sufia-based IR.

    2. Debs - at Northwestern, has background in UX

    3. Kevin - use cases for special collections at Princeton

    4. Jennifer Colt - UX designer at Cornell, working on special collections Hydra apps

    5. Chris - University of Hull

  2. Patricia gave brief history of the UXIG (which can be found on the UXIG's wiki home page)
  3. What folks are interested in exploring in context of the IG:

    1. Debs 

      1. Avalon a Mellon grant and one of the things that will get worked on is UX improvement. 

      2. Has been a repository used mainly for special collections but now they want to make sure to help researchers who deal with time-based media be able to use Avalon in ways useful to them. How do they work with such media? Intend to do user interviews. 

      3. Making assumptions that transcriptions are a good idea and having ephemeral objects along with the streaming media. But need to confirm this from interviews.

    2. Sonya

      1. Interest in the following: 1) shared user testing, being able to identify institutions using same Hydra heads - coordinate user testing for different applications; 2) share testing plans, testing scripts - we're probably asking the same questions; could save everybody time. 

      2. Has noticed that people had similar results - also similar testing questions. This would not a huge workload issue to provide to the community.

    3. Jenn

      1. Echoes Sonya. Also, someone will post to Hydra list that they're doing something, and she wants to know whether any user testing is being done. Would be helpful if folks could share that documentation in a common place.

    4. Patricia

      1. Has heard that there’s interest in the community to create a repository of user stories - we wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel if there were such a repository.

      2. Per Debs, a collection of user journeys would also be useful (understanding why student users, for example, make the decisions they do in their processes)

      3. Platform for repo to be decided. We can collect in Confluence wiki for now.

    5. Additional issues to discuss or activities to integrate:
      1. In people's experiences, how many feature changes and requests are coming out of direct user testing? Would be good to get sanitized user feedback - what feedback to you get from users?
      2. What kind of analytics to you do? Do you have an analytics routine that you can share? Patricia asked if this is something the Hydra Metrics Interest Group will work on, and Debs, who is in that group, has confirmed yes. 
      3. The fact that we're in other groups could be helpful for collaborations as well as report back, so we can keep posted on possible synergies between efforts. For instance, the new Sufia User Interface Group might be one to learn from and for this group to inform.
      4. Sonya suggested that a good place to start might be hearing from members of the group about what we believe defines user experience - plus, in context of Hydra.
      5. Patricia mentioned that we could invite folks in the Hydra community to talk about their UX processes and learn a sense of best practices.
  4. Sonya and Jenn have volunteered to co-lead and coordinate the UXIG calls and activities - thank you, Sonya and Jenn!
  5. Next call (topic[s]) to be decided: November 17 - 4 PM Eastern / 3 PM Central / 1 PM Pacific.
    1. Please note: we'll continue to use Google Hangout (until the group attendance goes beyond 15)

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