2015-12-15 Meeting Notes
2015-12-15 Meeting Notes
2-3pm MT / 4-5pm ET
We're meeting via Google Hangout: https://hangouts.google.com/call/3onr5q5q45qghzl7cavpptnidaa
**new hangout https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ualberta.ca/uxig
Sonya Betz
- Timothy Broadwater
- Nik Dragovic
Discussion items
Review items from last call:
Communication channels - How well is this working?
- Slack channel: https://project-hydra.slack.com/messages/uxinterestgroup/
- Possibilities for connecting with other groups: DLF assessment user group - https://wiki.diglib.org/Assessment:User_Studies
- Develop a space on Wiki for UX content to share.
Collaboratively developing an alternative to Blacklight's interface (from Tim)
- Interest in developing search interface outside of Blacklight
- What are the protocols / processes for moving things like this forward?
- UAlberta has done some user testing in Blackllight - so has WVU
New items:
- Update on work happening in Sufia UI Working Group
- Show and tell: what customizations have you made based on user feedback?
, multiple selections available,