MODS and RDF Call 2016-07-11
MODS and RDF Call 2016-07-11
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework Reminder:
Predicate for physicalLocation/organizational unit.
- Whether the Organization structure from NYPL would be unusable for any institution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qV_vlBvwkOCkSki86Cf7v46cwPsg1JDrfV-itZ_7J6Q/edit
- Ensure someone from your organization has filled out: http://goo.gl/forms/3mvl5pCMohCOrSkF3
Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)
Primary Notetaker: Eben English (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20160711)
- sanderson (BPL)
- Eben English (BPL)
- Danny Pucci (BPL)
- Moira Downey (Deactivated) (UNC-CH)
- Melanie Wacker (Columbia University)
- Eric O'Hanlon (Columbia)
- Juliet Hardesty (Indiana)
- Sara Rubinow (NYPL)
- Chuck Schoppet (USDA/NAL)
- Emily Porter (Emory)
- soriordan (Emory)
- ksgerrity (Amherst)
- Conversion Code Update
- No major updates
- Emory has uploaded a few records
- Next update should be later this week, Steven will email out changes to the group.
- Notes
- Has this been finalized? Need to add further discussion to agenda for next time.
- Has this been finalized? Need to add further discussion to agenda for next time.
- physicalLocation and Organization discussion
- Holding Institution concept
- Some predicate possibilities:
- dbpedia:owner (requires minting foaf:Agent object)
- bf:heldBy (requires minting bf:Agent object)
- edm:dataProvider (requires minting edm:Agent object)
- dcterms:provenance (requires minting dcterms:ProvenanceStatement object)
- dc:publisher (we're already using this for <mods:publisher> values)
- (requires minting object)
- Some predicate possibilities:
- Columbia has not yet done mapping, will contribute for next meeting
- Steven will create a summary "options" document to facilitate comparison of options
- We could consider minting a new predicate?
- Holding Institution concept
- Identifier voting results (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OlsVIEpd674YqvfYw4nbDpF0ouIQrQ6VFc5zPxTt0o8/edit?usp=sharing)
- Based on: http://goo.gl/forms/3mvl5pCMohCOrSkF3
- Option 2 (using LoC id.loc.gov/vocabulary/identifiers) has the most votes, from both group participants and others
- Steven will try and work this in to this week's conversion code update
- Hydra Connect 2016 (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-connect/issues/17)
- Presentation would be better than workshop
- Possible topics to cover:
- Running conversions
- Feedback on decisions and predicates chosen
- Describing collaborative process
- Approaches to modeling descriptive metadata in RDF
- complexity of MODS as RDF
- Pain points, problems, challenges (and how they were overcome)
- Emily Porter and Julie Hardesty interested in helping
- Relation to larger Descriptive Metadata working group unclear – not sure if they're presenting
- Next meeting: Monday July 25, at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST.
- Homework: review collaboration documents (Steven will send out links)
, multiple selections available,