URI Management Call 2016-07-12
URI Management Call 2016-07-12
Connection Info:
3-4pm Eastern
+1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Notetaker: Don Brower
- Continue work on Predicate Decision Tree doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oMvVlGuBwD5U1251oxNmTZn7WgkNTj6tF-k1hOYjnac/edit?usp=sharing)
- Review survey responses
- Meeting time at Hydra Connect or presentation at Hydra Connect?
- Meeting time can be requested of hydra-connect@googlegroup.com (see hydra-tech post for details)
- Add topic to Suggestions for HC2016 program
- Can anyone give WG update to Metadata Call 2016-07-13? (Julie is not available)
- Deferred work on Predicate Decision Tree because of low attendance.
- Discussed meeting time at HydraConnect
- Unsure if meeting time is needed. Maybe piggyback on the meeting time for the Metadata Interest Group?
- Decided to use a lightning talk to tell community about our work.
- Discussed the MODS and RDF proposal in general (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bJYgsX8b09dDvXjoiY87yk1hJ7KvAkLVYK_ycX-9700/edit?usp=sharing)
- It is using opaquenamespace for URIs, but has not officially registered them. This decision can also be changed if there are reasons against it.
- When selecting predicates, they are taking the Ranges into account. (And Domains, to a lesser extent)
- Don will attend HMIG call.