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Scope & Objectives
The Samvera Metadata Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in working together on base metadata recommendations for the Samvera Community. The scope of this group concentrates primarily on metadata as it relates to Samvera projects such as Hyraxas Hyrax, Hyku, and Avalon Media System. Types of metadata for which the group has or intends to create recommendations include technical, structural, descriptive, and rights metadata.
The larger goals of the Metadata Interest Group are to:
Identify models that may help Samvera newcomers
Further interoperability among Samvera projects
- Provide
Provide support for the community and a place to ask metadata questions in Samvera
Provide ways to share metadata work (in progress or complete)
Collect documentation in order to more broadly facilitate shared modeling
Develop and charge working groups for Samvera community metadata activities
This interest group is not creating a new standard or implying any metadata constraints for Samvera projects.
Scope & Objectives and meeting frequency will be reviewed annually (around the time of Samvera Connect).
Sunset milestone: No meeting occurs for 6 months (at that point there will clearly be no interest in this interest group)
Membership is open to anyone. If you want to be listed as a member, please add your name to the list below.
Members agree that by participating all documents produced as part of the working group will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License.
Annamarie Klose, co-chair (The Ohio State University)
Emma Beck, co-chair (University of Louisville)
Nora Zimmerman, (Lafayette College)
Anna Goslen,(UNC-Chapel Hill)
Julie Hardesty, (Indiana University)
jen young (Northwestern University Libraries)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Sarah Beth Seymore (University of Oregon)
Emily Stenberg (Washington Univ. in St. Louis)
Cara Key (Oregon State University)
Gretchen Gueguen (PALCI)
Meredith Hale (University of Tennessee)
Ilkay Holt (Advancing Hyku/ British Library)
Paige Walker (Tufts University, Tisch Library)
Meeting Times & Communication Channels
Updates to Community
Updates and announcements will be sent to samvera-community, samvera-tech, samvera-metadata, islandora, and fedora-community lists.
Metadata IG
Time: 4th Tuesday of every month, 2-3pm Eastern. Call duration: 1 hour
Call-In Info:https://osu.zoom.us/j/92616270540?pwd=VzN6bEVlR3NGbjZDdFNueWpRUVMvQT09
Subgroups may have additional working meeting calls. Outcomes and questions will be discussed at the Metadata Interest Group meeting calls and then updates sent to the lists.
Active Work
URI Selection Working Group
Time: First meeting Friday, April 14 (9am PDT)
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Descriptive Metadata Working Group
Time: started 2015/05/13, currently on pause; MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup, currently on pause
Access: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2jey2y5cjcnggkmymxziudmw4a
Affiliated: Geo Predicates Working Group
Completed Work
Applied Linked Data Working Group
URI Management Working Group
**Work Completed***
Rights Metadata Working Group
**Work Completed***
Subgroup may be reconvened if additional rights metadata questions come to the Metadata WG.
Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group
***Work Completed***
Subgroup may be reconvened if additional outcomes are required from the Metadata WG.
Technical Metadata Working Group
Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group
**Work Completed**
Hyrax v3.0 Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group - Deliverables & Timeframe
**Work Completed**
OAI Documentation Working Group
** Work Completed**
First phase deliverables are marked for concurrent work. See specific working group pages for timelines. Phase 1 completed by Sufia PCDM May sprint (2015). Phase 2 completed by Hydra Connect 2015. A full report will be given at HydraConnect 2015.
Phase 1 is complete. Currently working on Phase 2 for Descriptive Metadata, Applied Linked Data, and URI Management. A report was given at HydraConnect 2016.
Technical Metadata Working Group- Phase 1, Facilitators: Aaron Coburn & Nick Ruest - Work Completed
FITS recommendation, if using FITS, to use FITS output captured as a NonRdfSource repository object; see "Detailed Technical Metadata Captured as XML"
in technical metadata application profileRecommended tools for technical metadata and paths for integration with Hydra projects
Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group - Phase 2, Facilitator: Julie Hardesty - Work Completed
Rights Metadata Working Group- Phase 1-2, Facilitator: Esmé Cowles -
WorkWork Completed
Human-Readable property recommendations
Descriptive Metadata Working Group - Work on Pause
Collect User Stories - Phase 2, Facilitator: Carolyn Hansen, work to follow spring 2015 sprint on implementing PCDM
Best practices on handling blank nodes and nested attributes - see also Fedora-tech discussions
Best practices on using multiple schemas/vocabularies
Base descriptive metadata application profile with mappings to Shared Data Model and community standards such as Dublin Core and/or DPLA Metadata Application Profile
How to handle MODS XML in RDF environment - Phase 3, July 2015- October 2015, Facilitator: Steven Anderson
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup - Facilitator: Steven Anderson and Eben English - Work on Pause
Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group - Phase 1-2, Facilitator: Steven Anderson - Status Unclear
Best Practice Guide for:
Indexing in SOLR
Collaborative Experiments in technological solutions (e.g. Implementing Linked Data Fragments)
URI Management Working Group - Phase 2, Facilitator: Julie Hardesty - Work Completed
Survey Samvera community re: predicate/property problems
Workflow for requesting new predicates/vocabs from Samvera vocab manager
URI Selection Working Group - Facilitator: Ryan Wick
Review requests for new terms to be added to the Samvera Vocab Manager
Create new predicates and new controlled vocabulary terms added to the Samvera Vocab Manager
Record and update best practices for review process
Hyrax Metadata Ordering Working Group - Facilitator: Julie Hardesty - Work Completed
Evaluate metadata ordering solutions
Provide comparison to Hyrax PO group and recommendation for code change or help documentation
Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification Working Group - Facilitator: Chrissy Rissmeyer and Arwen Hutt - Work Completed
Develop a specification for encoding metadata models
Controlled Vocabularies Decision Tree Working Group - Facilitator: Julie Hardesty - Work Completed
Hyrax v3.0 Metadata Application Profile Documentation Review Working Group Facilitator: Nora Zimmerman - Work Completed
Shared Data Model: Portland Common Data Model
WebAccessControl: http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl
Additional Resources may be available on working group pages:
Descriptive Metadata Working Group
Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group Technical Metadata Working Group
Meeting Notes
Roundtable Discussion on Metadata for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2022-01-25
SMIG demo - Workflows for linked data implementation in Hyrax
Samvera Connect 2019 SMIG Meeting 2019-10-24
No meeting 2019-04-23
No meeting 2018-10-23
Samvera Connect 2018 SMIG Meeting 2018-10-10
No meeting 2018-06-26
Samvera Connect 2017 SMIG Meeting 2017-11-09
No meeting 2017-10-24
SMIG Demo - Avalon MODS to RDF 2017-02-20
Hydra Connect 2016 HMIG Meeting 2016-10-06
Sufia 7 beta demo for PCDM (Google doc)
No meeting 2016-03-09
Metadata Call 2015-10-07 (now Hydra Metadata Interest Group)
See you at HydraConnect 2015-09-23
No meeting 2015-09-09
No meeting 2015-07-29
Previous Work
Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
Past Members
Ruth Kitchin Tillman, (Penn State University)
matienzo (Stanford University Libraries)
Julie Allinson (University of London)
Maggie Dickson (Duke University)
Arwen Hutt (UC San Diego)
Alex May (Tufts University)
John Huck (University of Alberta)
Danny Pucci (Boston Public Library)
Christine Mayo (Boston College)
sanderson (Boston Public Library)
Carolyn Hansen (U. of Cincinnati)
Rachel Jaffe (UC Santa Cruz)
Irene E. Taylor (Washington Univ. in St. Louis)
Tim Lepczyk (WGBH)
Erik Radio (University of Colorado Boulder)
Marcia Barrett (UC Santa Cruz)
Sherry Lake (University of Virginia)
sarahbarkla (University of Oxford)
dcorbly (University of Oklahoma)
Dawn Childress (UCLA Library)
Claudia Horning (UCLA Library)
Shannon Davis (Washington University in St. Louis)
Greg Reser (UC San Diego)
Charles Hosale (WGBH)
Margaret Peachy (Tufts)
John Rees (National Library of Medicine)
cam156 (Penn State University)
Terry Reese (Ohio State University)
Sharon Farnel (University of Alberta)
Cathleen Lu (Chemical Heritage Foundation)
ajweidner (University of Houston)
Ryan Johnson (UC San Diego)
Don Brower (University of Notre Dame)
Maggie Zhao (Yale University Library)
segutierrez (El Colegio de México)
ksgerrity (Amherst College)
Johanna Radding (Amherst College)
Chrissy Rissmeyer (UC Santa Barbara)
Kathryn Michaelis (Emory University)