Rights Metadata Recommendation

Rights Metadata Recommendation

Rights Metadata Recommendation


Minimal Rights Metadata

For maximum interoperability, we recommend two rights properties:

  1. edm:rights containing a URI designating the primary rights statement of the resource
  2. dcterms:rightsHolder containing a URI for the rights holder


edm:rightsRights statementURIs from Creative Commons, RightsStatements.org, other other vocabularies, minting new URIs as needed
dcterms:rightsHolderRights holder

URIs from common vocabularies

Recommended Additional Properties

For a richer description of the rights status, we recommend the following properties to represent textual descriptions, links to explicit copyright information, and rights overrides (temporary licenses, embargoes, etc.):

dc:rightsRights descriptionFree text description of rights, such as administrative contact information, a description of the specific license terms, or other rights-related restrictions.
marcrel:cpcCopyright claimant (rights holder before rights expired)URIs from common vocabularies (e.g., LCNAF, VIAF, etc.)
premis:hasCopyrightStatusCopyright statusURIs from PREMIS CopyrightStatus
premis:hasCopyrightJurisdictionCopyright jurisdictionCountry/jurisdiction codes from common vocabularies (e.g., ISO 3166)
pcdmrts:rightsOverrideRights statement override (temporary rights statement that overrides edm:rights, such as a temporary embargo or license)URIs from Creative Commons, RightsStatements.org, other other vocabularies, minting new URIs as needed
pcdmrts:rightsOverrideExpirationRights statement override expiration (date when status reverts to base edm:rights statement)Date in a standardized format (e.g., W3C DTF profile of ISO 8601)

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