Metadata Call 2016-04-20

Metadata Call 2016-04-20

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University) 
mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-04-13
      2. The group discussed the spreadsheet for metadata pain points
        1. All institutions are encouraged to add to the spreadsheet with their own experiences with these elements or add additional elements that are challenging
      3. The next meeting will focus on the widening gap between BIBFRAME and Hydra, particularly their handling of descriptive metadata
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. MODS and RDF Call 2016-04-18
      2. last 2 meetings talking about complex subjects and how to model them
        1. how to handle multiple subjects - topical, temporal, geographic
        2. if a subject has multiple pre-coordinated elements, how can it be represented in the subject field?
      3. interaction with Descriptive Metadata WG
        1. keeping an eye on opportunities for overlap/collaboration
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      1. Last meeting had limited attendance due to DPLA Fest
      2. Working on making a gem that could be mounted on any rails app
        1. could talk to different backends like blaze graph
        2. just a few remaining issues to wrap up and metadata enrichment will follow
      3. Is the gem one of the group's deliverables?
        1. It was part of WG aims - a way to share code that deals with linked data
        2. Like an intermediate layer that allows Blazegraph to act as a caching layer
        3. We need a standardized interface to make calls against so we can share linked data
  2. Issues/Questions
    1. None
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. During the URI Management WG Charter Development, multiple issues on this page were brought up
    2. Julie contacted WGBH to determine where issues with FITS and ExifPro stand
      1. code in Hydraworks takes care of FITS info they want to express in RDF
      2. PBCore XML might have some rdf properties that will need to be expressed that can't be expressed in EBUCore
      3. pointing to code in hydra works that covers technical metadata properties
      4. PBCore might require new URIs
  4. Additional Items
    1. URI Management Working Group
      1. The charter is a work in progress and feedback is welcome
      2. Julie, James, Ryan discussed scope and objective of group, deliverables & timeframe
      3. Karen Estlund provided feedback
        1. see notes on Karen's LCDX session, Management for Community URIs
      4. Julie will send this out to the list Thursday 4/21 around 4-5 EST
        1. please provide any feedback before this time
        2. the group will need a facilitator
  5. Action Items
    1. Provide any feedback on charter by Thurs, 4/21 at 4:00 
    2. Next meeting: Wed, May 4, 1pm EST