Metadata Call 2021-11-23
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info:
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Nora Z.
Notetaker: Anna G.
Anna Goslen (UNC Chapel Hill)
Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
Robert Browder (IR Librarian - San Francisco State University)
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection Working Group
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update
Heather: At recent meeting, focused on planning for work for those who made a maintenance pledge, and doing a needs analysis for a Samvera technical coordinator - document needs and think about if some of work could be divided up, rotated, contracted out, etc. Find creative solutions.
Trying to find ways to encourage more contributors to maintenance work, such as breaking work down into smaller chunks, flexible commitments. Engaging developers at the sprint level, even 1 or 2 weeks of commitment at a time rather than 6- or 8-months.
Project Sharing
Discussion Topics
Start 2022 off with an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion roundtable discussion (in planning stages)
Developer Congress, November 29th - December 3rd
Next meeting: 1/25, 2-3pm
This will be an Roundtable on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion topics in Repository Metadata
More info to come, please reach out to the facilitators with any suggestions or input
** note there will be no December meeting**