Agenda 20-04-11

Agenda 20-04-11

Marketing WG agenda 


  • Chris Awre (facilitator)
  • Karen Cariani
  • Richard Green
  • Nabeela Jaffer
  • Alicia Morris
  • Charlotte Nunes

  1. Welcome to Heather

  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting (see Marketing WG agenda 20-09-30)
    1. CA gave updates at the Virtual Partner Meeting and at Connect 2020 On-line.
    2. There was no positive feedback about sponsoring the DLF Forum and so this was not followed up.
    3. ALL are still asked to contribute to CA's spreadsheet for case study suggestions
    4. The link from "now" in the vision statement on Samvera's web site homepage now goes to an intermediate page rather than downloading the Annual Report pdf directly.
    5. Notch8 have had 300 hex stickers printed of the Connect 2020 logo.  These will be transferred to HGK.
    6. It might be useful to discuss if past Connect designs should be marketed on goods from an on-line shop.  The 2020 design materials are being sold "at cost".

  3. Review of Samvera Connect AUL workshop
    1. Seemed to go well.  Of the 32 people registered for the workshop, about half attended.  (This pattern was reflected across several other workshops.)
    2. It would be useful to do a satisfaction survey with workshop attendees separate from main conference.  Such a survey would be needed urgently to integrate with the conference Program Committee's plans for a more general general survey.

  4. Consideration of further audiences to tackle - see initial brainstorm at https://docs.google.com/document/d/109Q92PjaZ2OTUQIc3HHQZ13pzZh_YcJ6W6H-ps1WLYE/edit

  5. Outreach planning 
    1. See Heather's suggestions for outreach, for discussion
    2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tLpW8huxJAS0Mkt9nJTMvsxinfowHj0wO6rWDvsJdMc/edit?usp=sharing
      ALL to comment on this document asap before it is shared more widely.

  6. AOB

  7. Date of next meeting
    Wednesday 18th November, usual time slot.
    NB We will be switching to Zoom for future calls:  https://emory.zoom.us/j/93405279673?pwd=bDdnMmpXSERtQ3o0ciszWFBVbEkyUT09

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