Agenda 19-12-11

Agenda 19-12-11

The agenda for the Samvera Marketing WG call on Wednesday, December 11th.

  1. Matters arising from the previous call(s)
  2. Website review
  3. Events
    1. CNI
    2. Open Repositories
    3. Code4Lib
  4. Current activities
    1. Profiles
    2. Use cases
    3. Events listing
    4. Brochure
  5. 2020 calls


  1. Matters arising
    1. Alicia is working on adding the Samvera vision statement to the leaflet
  2. Website review
    1. Chris summarised the discussion from 27th November (involving CA, RG and KC) on how we go about reviewing the website.
      1. We use the time on the calls, starting with the first two in January, to go through the pages and highlight issues or areas where development would be helpful.
      2. We highlight where members of the community are best placed to help update any particular section, the aim being to use this exercise to engage the community rather than do the work ourselves (although we can contribute where appropriate)
      3. We are looking for: anything that is out of date, gaps, and areas where there could be better linkage with the wiki (and possibly the forthcoming repository)
      4. We can also use the opportunity to engage local colleagues as a way of helping them to understand what Samvera is doing (and help better communicate this) by getting them to check pages
      5. Richard has provided a site map to act as the basis for reviewing the website
      6. Suggestions for any new repositories that could have screenshots included in the rotating display on the website's front page are welcome (e.g., the new UCLA digital library recently announced)
      7. Ideas for adding a logo akin to 'Powered by Samvera' are welcome
    2. The issue of how we update the Partners list and how we determine who is current was flagged.  Chris explained the current Steering process for managing this list, and will take the query back for further input.
  3. Events
    1. The lack of marketing opportunities at CNI was acknowledged, although stickers will be made available as appropriate.  Carolyn Caizzi is giving a short update on Samvera to the event to raise awareness of current activity.
    2. No one on the call was considering Open Repositories in 2020 due to the location.  A wider consideration of who would be going from within the Samvera Community and how this might inform marketing activity will be picked up in the New Year.
    3. The potential of Code4Lib was an event for marketing was highlighted.  There are a range of sponsorship opportunities, but it wasn't clear whether the audience was the right one.  The programme list will be reviewed to assess Samvera content, and Chris will raise with Steering for their input.
  4. Current activities
    1. Profiles/case studies (Emory and Houston) - the initial contributions are on the website.  Contributions from others are welcome, and Chris will be seeking further contributions in the New Year.
    2. See above
    3. Events listing - there is a wiki page where such events can be listed, and the community is encouraged to add to this as they can.  The potential of adding to the Samvera repository was highlighted as a way of encouraging contribution at a future point.
    4. The brochure remains a development idea for creating a high level strategic document for senior managers.
  5. 2020 calls
    1. 2020 calls would start on Wednesday January 8th - Chris will circulate a diary invite shortly.

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