2020-01-21 Meeting notes

2020-01-21 Meeting notes




  • Discuss discussion items

Discussion items

  • Review the feedback received from the survey

  • Review the action items from last meeting


Reviewing the feedback from the survey- do we have responses?

A: We have a handful; some people provided links as well. 4 responses from 3 institutions so far.

We need to push to get more. We could try to get a response from each partner—maybe a call for it at the next Partners call. We could put out an email now, and then a 5-10 minute roadmap council update for this and then a plea for more at the next Partners call (February).

Do we take the partners list and divide it up among council members? Julie could grab the primary contact list from Richard, and we could divide it and do personal emails to request filling out the form. If the primary contact still isn't the right person, we could find the person who is and contact them instead.

Julie would like us to get at least 10 responses. We should do what's above, give ourselves a couple of weeks into Feb, and close it up then with what we've got.

Reviewing the email update—looking good! Only very minor edits and comments given/added.

Reviewing previous action items—Nabeela will eventually reach out to Katherine. (We can hold off on this for the moment).

Rob reaching out re: Hyrax PO role... concern given level of responsibilities; 3 people to talk to, may have someone ready to take on the role. Rob is actively engaged with getting that done this week. Trying to wrap things up given his upcoming paternity leave.

Action items

  • Julie Allinson to send out a reminder email for the survey this week, and ping Richard about getting a list of partner contacts
  • Nabeela Jaffer to send out the 2020 Q1 update this week

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