Metadata Call 2015-10-21

Metadata Call 2015-10-21

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)


  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Descriptive Metadata Working Group
      1. Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-10-14
      2. The group discussed the base set of elements and will continue that next meeting
      3. Deliverables for Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
        1. User stories - complete
        2. Descriptive metadata application profiles - the base element set currently under discussion is getting this under way
        3. Best practices on using multiple schemas/vocabularies - still needs to be done
        4. Best practices on handling blank nodes and nested attributes - still needs to be done
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. MODS and RDF Call 2015-10-19
      2. MODS Name collaboration document - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ta3pJB-ZGD8J88SrcC7Hr-Ox0BHNFKh5jwc0EXDKLUY/edit?pli=1#gid=0
        1. Steven is converting this to conversion code for testing
      3. reviewed individual institution typeOfResource elements
      4. see MODS and RDF Call 2015-11-02 for results
      5. Subgroup deliverables
        1. unofficial standard for mapping MODS to RDF - underway 
        2. shared code translations - underway
    3. Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group
      1. Applied Linked Data Call 2015-10-15
      2. Discussed Linked Data Fragments
      3. Discussed conversion of full text fields to stored fields in SOLR
      4. Ways to resolve issue where new records need to be made every time a URI changes
      5. Deliverables for WG:
        1. way to standardize an interface for standardizing URIs and caching them - work is ongoing
        2. develop a way to keep SOLR index up to date with proper URI for a record being pulled from Fedora - work is ongoing
        3. recommendations on which Linked Data vocabulary to use - still needs to be done, may be in scope of group's work
    4. Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group
      1. SoaF call 2015-10-19
      2. met as a group for the 1st time and reviewed goals
      3. Deliverables for WG (expected by end of year):
        1. recommendation on how to refer to a segment of a file
          1. OA Selectors

          2. W3C media fragments

          3. Recommendation for interoperability with IIIF metadata

  2. Islandora Metadata Interest Group potential collaboration update
    1. Julie will talk to  cmharlow at DLF about collaboration opportunities
    2. cmharlow and  jennifer.eustis will be joining us at the next Hydra Metadata IG meeting
    3. some Islander Metadata subgroups are focused on keeping up with Hydra subgroups, so there are many ways we could combine efforts
  3. Issues / Questions
    1. None
  4. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. On  Hydra Tech Call 2015-10-14 there was a request for consultation from the Hydra Metadata IG about best practices for hosting Hydra-specific RDF vocabularies
      1. Issue with properties used in Sufia that have ScholarSphere namespace URIs and they're used by a broader group than Penn State
      2. Proposal came up to use Opaque Namespace hosted by Oregon State to host the namespace
        1. Question about whether checksum element refers to main file or another file in the structure
      3. Julie will talk to facilitator of  Technical Metadata Working Group about possibility of re-activating the group to help with this
        1. Timeline for completion ~1-2 weeks
      4. We need to develop a formal workflow for issues that arise from channels outside of the Metadata IG

  5. Additional Items
    1. Corey reported on release of Draft of SHACL 
      1. http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/WD-shacl-20151008/
      2. http://kcoyle.blogspot.com/2015/10/shacl-shapes-constraint-language.html

  6. Action Items
    1. Request feedback on proposal on Issue with properties used in Sufia that have ScholarSphere namespace
    2. Develop a proposal for a workflow for dealing with requests for review of metadata-specific issues that need a timely answer.
      1. Determining whether request should go through Metadata IG or a subgroup
    3. Announce SHACL links (above)
    4. Julie will talk with Islandora Metadata WG