2021-12-14 Meeting notes


Dec 14, 2021

Zoom Link



  • @James Griffin (Notetaker)

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @jen young

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Jon Cameron

Discussion topics







Staffing Needs Assessment Document


  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1llFCQMftFBf7bK0OOAqdZJWaVr9_cZYihH2lzk1gjL0/edit

  • How will technical managers for specific projects work with the community tech lead?

  • This will be part of a strategy to define this role

  • No tech lead for Hyrax right now, but releases still need to happen, work needs to get out there

  • If there was a Samvera tech manager, we could ask them to organize releases. If the tech lead is always going to be a volunteer, we’ll always be in that spot with Hyrax

  • A matter of figuring out: what are some of the smallest increments of this work that we can decide on, and which of those blocks are most critically important, and how can we get those needs met

  • People have felt burned from the lack of structure in past community sprints, turned off from the community

  • Some things can’t fall to the Hyrax tech lead, but that have in the past which also inhibits progress

  • Pain point is that Hyrax takes up so much the technical work, but it’s not just Hyrax in Samvera. Looking to a broader view.

  • This person should be involved in the roadmap council.

  • Technical leadership, technical coordination and release management are the biggest things lacking right now

  • If we had some Samvera-level release management or technical leadership, that might make it easier to find a Hyrax tech lead

  • As Avalon moves to Hyrax, there will be more overlap between top-level person and Hyrax tech lead potentially

  • Makes sense to have this person at a higher level

  • We could define technical leadership further in the response to the questions

  • Can we contact people about the specific needs for technical work (question 1e)?

  • Hard to pose questions to the community, but we could generate that technical work list and send out to the community. This could be brought to a number of tech calls as well.

  • No survey, just a document to read and discuss.

  • There was a job description for the tech lead that is lost to time, so starting from scratch on that.

  • Heather sees question 3 as depending on the full time or part time status of this person

  • Nabeela will share a document with our tech lead needs, and take it to the board to see how we want to frame the conversation about this position

GitHub Teams, RubyGems Owners, and Product Owners



Maintenance work for year ahead, and looking at our existing priority list




  • Staffing Needs Assessments

    • Nabeela shared this, and this is on the agenda for the Board Meeting scheduled for Friday

    • There is likely going to be some questions and general feedback

    • There is a retreat at the end of January, and this likely marks the point at which there will be feedback

  • Maintenance Work for the year ahead

    • This is related to the pledge drive

    • Currently, there is a focus on the first third of the year

    • U. Michigan may be available (there are other commitments)

    • Northwestern University should be available

    • There was also a single community member who wanted to request time for developing several specific Gems

    • Hopefully there will also be some issues which are presented from the Hyrax community

    • Also, consideration should be paid to dependencies and upstream projects (for example, Project Blacklight and Bootstrap)

    • There is a document tracking the responses

    • How best to proceed with outreach?

      • Looking ahead to the new year, should plan this on the basis of each, specific sprint

  • Future Meetings (for 2022)

    • January 11th at 12:00PM EST (every two weeks)

  • Hyrax

    • By October 2022, there should be a new product owner for Hyrax

    • Perhaps Roadmaps Alignment can provide assistance for selecting and evaluating candidates

    • This should perhaps be prioritized for the summer 2022, ensuring that the production owner for Hyrax has the proper time to prepare for this new role

    • The best approach might be to call for interest during the Hyrax Interest Group meetings

  • iCLA Process

    • Heather has been evaluating and testing a CLA user bot, which checks against a list of users

    • This won’t likely affect existing contributors

    • However, new community members might be alerted if they do not possess the iCLA and wish to open a pull request

Meeting adjourned at 09:28 PST/12:28 EST


Action items

