2019-11-12 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2019-11-12 Meeting Notes and Agenda


Mark Bussey

Facilitator: Mark Bussey

Notetaker: see retrium board



Action Items from Retrospective (unprioritized):

  • Invite others (like core component P.O.s and Partners) to contribute their roadmaps (ideally via an easy to use template
  • Conduct an experiment in having a specific Chairperson for six months
  • Timebox our milestones and deliverables more consistently
  • Answer the question: Are roadmaps aligned?
  • Conduct a review or survey of existing artifacts and knowledge (related to roadmaps)
  • Define where the group has agency or levels of agency
  • Create a working, concrete definition of "Roadmap"
  • Brainstorm tools to support more direct discussion of roadmaps
  • Populate a backlog of action items and goals for the group
  • Review and revise our charter as we start the next iteration of the council

Action Items:

  • Confirm Kate has contact info for next meeting

Next meeting: 2019-11-26

Facilitator: Rob Kaufman

Notetaker: Jon Cameron

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