2019-08-06 Meeting Notes and Agenda
2019-08-06 Meeting Notes and Agenda
Attendees: Julie Allinson jen young Nabeela Jaffer Rob Kaufman Mark Bussey
Facilitator: Julie Allinson
Notetaker: Mark Bussey
- Resourcing Survey Follow-up
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ksZrKJrTlBAKoBVwuW_IiGUH0rjKdB1TnDXZjJb9ZfM/edit
- Most survey respondents seemed to push resourcing of Analytics, Permissions when weighed against Valkyrie / Wings
- TODO: Nabeela will add graphical summary of responses where available
- General consensus that we should provide a short directional conclusion and distribute to community list
- May want to add a few lines about existing work (& that it wasn't included in survey)
- There were a few comments about enhancing riiif...
- Hyrax Product Owner next steps
- Mark spoke with Tom Johnson who suggested connecting SIGHAR with the Roadmap Council
- Discussion: could the PO role be refactored to reduce the load on the individual
- Delegate more to SIGHAR
- Mark the role look more like other PO roles (Hyku, Core components)
- Core components PO responsibilities: https://samvera.github.io/core_components.html
- Currently Articulated Hyrax PO responsibilities: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/samvera-community/steve$20van$20tuyl%7Csort:date/samvera-community/ZHho2A900MA/QKgod2ZFCAAJ
- Should there be a renewable commitment term to the role
- TODO: Julie will circulate the idea of a Hyrax Product team with an single identified PO for a specified term who acts as tie-breaker, but delegating significantly to product team and broader community members
Notes: Inline
Next meeting:
Facilitator: Mark Bussey
Notetaker: jen young
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