2019-05-21 Meeting notes

2019-05-21 Meeting notes




  • Discuss and expand the resourcing survey and copy for the email out to the community and on the survey itself.

Discussion items

Survey and resources
  • Survey draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HkqXzOTzeE0E7hQIN7_p5EvLvupxfToImPdAAY0wpu4/edit
  • We worked on expanding the survey with additional questions.
  • We'll send this survey to the partners, community and tech mailing lists.
  • It will come with an email where we make the point that contributions of all sizes are welcome. We don't want people thinking that they are required to make long-term commitments, but rather that any and all contributions are appreciated.  
  • We'll link to the Hyrax roadmap in the survey and on the email as well
  • Will send out to the mailing lists on Tuesday May 28th
  • Will put on the roadmap council Slack channel to get feedback
  • Who will send it out? Check in with Steve about him sending it; otherwise Nabeela?

Action items


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