Metadata Call 2015-08-26
Metadata Call 2015-08-26
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 - Note New Number
Moderator: kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)
Notetaker: mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Former user (Deleted) (UCSD)
- kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)
- Rebecca Fraimow (WGBH)
- carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- Juliet Hardesty (IU)
- mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- Subgroup Reports
- Issues / Questions
- Review Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
- Define goals and timeline for Structural Working Group
- Additional Items
- Action Items
1. Subgroup Reports
a. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- Notes from last meeting are Applied Linked Data Call 2015-08-20.
- Recent pull request merged
- James is converting current codebase to a RoR engine
- Trey is adding Active Triples persistence method
- Hope to have a release by Hydra Connect
- A draft recommendation was sent out
- All feedback received was positive
- We can consider the recommendation official and the group's work is complete
- At Hydra Connect we'll determine how this can be more accessible for the whole community
- Could move it to GitHub
- Survey went out last week
- Currently 6 responses are in and a reminder will be sent out
- The September 1 date may have to be adjusted
- Some institutions may not know where to send the survey
2. Issues / Questions
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup update
- Met on Monday (
MODS and RDF Call 2015-08-24) and survey went out to MODS group members
- one for simple use case and one for more complex use case
- MODS Survey #1 Results:
- Continued talking about MODS title element, acceptance testing
- decided title does not need to be separated out from subtitle
- agreed to use dcterms:title and dcterms:alternative
- By Sept 21 meeting during Hydra Connect group hopes to have example of how to map MODS title to either simple case or complex one
- Next, group will show examples of MODS name element
- what type of specificity is required
- rough attempt at mapping to RDF
- Rough timeline for getting through major elements? Hoping for end of year, but it may take 6 months or more for something more comprehensive
3. Review Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
- Recap: needed a central place for requests, so wiki page was created
- Some items for Structural & Linked Data groups are going there as well
- it may be better to add items in this location rather than subgroups to keep track of them
4. Define goals and timeline for Structural Working Group
Karen & Julie:
- Focus on items the group has the ability to tackle now
- Everything that is on requests page for Structural subgroup has been copied to subgroup page
- If group is charged with PCDM, it might be a cleanup and organizational mission
- It's unclear where suggestions for Hydra's PCDM implementation should be going
- This will be discussed at Hydra Connect
- Group can start to figure out what's a Fedora model and what's a Hydra model
- Referring to segments of a file is within scope of this group
- might be a good first item to look at
- First meeting might be during Hydra Connect
- Group can organize the models that are out there and talk about segments of a file as well
- segments of a file is a high priority because other groups are not dealing with it as much
- Avalon is looking at it, but as an option, not as a long-term solution
- Recommendation for describing the relationships between variations (derivatives, thumbnails, etc)
- using link relations has been generally adopted by people
- should this be written up as a best practice? yes
- there is something on GitHub that describes it
- file use vocabulary is a complementary approach
- should be written up as a formal and official version
- Recommendation for interoperability with IIIF
- a talk at Hydra Connect will cover IIIF
- leave this on the agenda as a request until Hydra Connect
- What is PCDM in terms of Fedora and in terms of Hydra?
- can a line be drawn on both sides?
- group could help to clarify this
- For now, charge the subgroup with looking at the segment of a file
- At Hydra Connect, we'll look at PCDM models and figure out what they are
- after that, we'll need volunteers to write up relations as a recommendation
- Is there a timeline for this?
- Avalon has an implementation using static XML
- if we take it further and make it something Hydra or Fedora can understand, that will be a bigger task
- start with 3 month timeline, but that's flexible
- Is there a timeline for this?
- after that, we'll need volunteers to write up relations as a recommendation
- How to find a time slot at Hydra Connect?
- Julie will add a Sessionizer
5. Additonal Items: none
6. Action Items
- Julie will send email call for participants to Tech and Community lists, it will be forwarded to Islander
- Esmé will close rights group & move recommendation to best practices
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