Controlled Vocabs Decision Tree Meeting 2020-08-19
Controlled Vocabs Decision Tree Meeting 2020-08-19
Connection Info:
4-5pm Eastern
Zoom: https://iu.zoom.us/j/207369760
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
Attendees: Julie, Gretchen, Rebecca, Erik, Dawn
- Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Decision Tree
- Ready for SMIG review
- overall relevance/helpfulness
- Hyrax/Hyku relevance/helpfulness
- ask for more Further Reading recommendations
- thoughts/feedback on spreadsheet of CV options
- other venues that might be good places to share/publish (Code4Lib community, DLF?)
- Ready for SMIG review
- Our thoughts on spreadsheet of CV options vs Github repo
- also https://www.pubpub.org as an option (there is a free version but no one has used it yet)
- Add Hyrax/Hyku tab info as Appendix in CV Decision Tree doc - Julie DONE
- Add general concept fields and examples (and namespaces) as appendix in CV Decision Tree doc - Julie DONE
- Check with Lynette that QA tab info is available in QA gem docs or should be added as appendix - Julie DONE
- reformat spreadsheet to list use criteria discussed in CV Decision Tree - Julie DONE
- Create google form with criteria for suggesting CV to add to spreadsheet - doesn't have to happen right now
- Samvera Connect proposal?
- lightning talk - proposal due October 4