Controlled Vocabs Decision Tree Meeting 2020-08-05
Connection Info:
4-5pm Eastern
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
Attendees: Gretchen, Rebecca, Erik, Julie
- Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Decision Tree
- Resolve comments
- Level 3 might still need voice correction (using 2nd person "you")
- Further Reading list: ask SMIG for review and additional citations to include
- Ready for SMIG review?
- one final edit for Level 3, then review from us, then send to SMIG (before our next meeting)
- Resolve comments
- Making spreadsheet of CV options into Github repo
- GitHub might not be the easiest/best way for collaboration
- Maybe a wiki or stick with the Google sheet but narrow down the sheets
- no QA and no Hyrax/Hyku tabs? if QA info is already available in QA documentation, not needed in spreadsheet