Controlled Vocabs Decision Tree Meeting 2020-02-18
Connection Info:
1-2pm Eastern
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
Attendees: Rebecca Pattillo, Erik Radio, Dawn Childress, Lynette Rayle, Gretchen Gueguen, Julie Hardesty
- Introductions
- Working Group goals
- Understand scope and objectives
- Understand deliverables and timeframe
- Regular meeting time (how often and when)
- Use cases for using controlled vocabularies behind metadata fields - starter discussion
- Sources for controlled vocabularies - approaches to gather these?
Working Group goals
Understand scope and objectives
Hyrax and Hyku
Hyku CVs can only be set at topmost level so multi-tenet install has hard time setting CVs correctly per tenet
Seems to be biggest problem for local CVs
Local department list either has to be set for particular work type or has to be pickable from a whole list of CVs on a single field
Mix of metadata and work type and CVs - we should consider this and if we can provide helpful documentation or identify needed changes in Hyrax/Hyku
Understand deliverables and timeframe
- Through Samvera Connect 2020 seems reasonable, start off meeting biweekly to keep momentum
Regular meeting time (how often and when)
Every other Tuesday starting March 3, 3-4pm Eastern
Use cases for using controlled vocabularies behind metadata fields - starter discussion
Hyrax fields that have CVs
How they’re sourced (locally or directly from hosted vocab)
Geonames is pulled through Questioning Authority (QA) for based_near field (geographic subject)
QA is part of Hyrax
Also the case for Hyku since Hyku is based on Hyrax and has been for long enough to include QA
Languages, Subjects (maybe topical subject) through QA but local (defined in yaml file) - there are choices to connect to hosted vocabs but local versions come out of the box
Licenses, resource types, and right statements - drop-downs but served through QA locally
Formats is a field that often uses CV (more fine-grained than Type)
Document what is there, come up with use cases and fields (hyrax things), commonly used/available vocabs
Other things like this
Clearinghouse for library based tools
Came up in DLF Assessment Group - tools section of their site might have it
- Gretchen to investigate
Open Metadata Registry - good example but also not sure how it is maintained/seems kind of loose
Sources for controlled vocabularies - approaches to gather these?
- Lots of vocabularies out there and things that gather lists of vocabs might have hard time staying updated (see Open Metadata Registry)
Might be better to focus on tips for evaluating vocabs when they are found
Create new Slack channel for this working group - DONE (#cv-decision-tree)