Samvera Connect 2020: Call for Proposals

Samvera Connect 2020: Call for Proposals

Call for workshop sessions to be held on-line Thursday 22nd October

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2020 On-line is inviting proposals for workshops to be held on Thursday 22nd October. Workshops may potentially be 1.5 hours or 3 hours long. Bear in mind that these will be on-line sessions using Zoom (or similar) which may start as early as 11.00am EDT (the exact timing of the online sessions is not yet decided).

Please feel free to propose a workshop that you would like to run yourself or with colleagues. Please also feel free to propose a workshop that you would like to see run by someone else on a topic that you would find beneficial.

You may find it helpful to refer to the workshop program from last year’s conference.

This CFP is now closed.  

Call for presentations to be held on-line Monday 26th - Thursday 29th October

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2020 On-line is inviting proposals for presentations to be given on Monday - Thursday 26th-29th October between 11.00am and 2.30pm US EDT (the exact timing of the on-line sessions is not yet decided). Presentations should be 20 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes for questions. 

You may find it helpful to refer to the presentations program from last year’s conference.

This CFP is now closed.  

Call for Lightning talks to be held on-line Monday 26th - Thursday 29th October

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2020 On-line is inviting proposals for lightning talks to be given on Monday - Thursday 26th-29th October between 11.00am and 2.30pm US EDT (the exact timing of the on-line sessions is not yet decided).  Lightning talks should be seven minutes long.

This CFP is now closed.  

Call for Posters to be viewable from Monday 12th October

The Program Committee for Samvera Connect 2020 On-line is inviting contributions for the conference "virtual poster session".  All appropriate submissions will be accepted. Please remember, when designing your "poster", that this will not be an in-person event and that the image will be viewed on screens varying in size from a large desktop version to a small tablet or even phone - please feel free to explore formats that you think would work well.  In addition to the image, we invite you to submit a short set of notes about it, and/or a short audio/video description.  The image should be supplied as a jpg file (preferably) or as a pdf.  The descriptive material can be a file or a link.  The image will be loaded to, and accessed from, Samvera's repository which operates under a CC-BY license.

The posters and descriptive material will be made available on-line from Monday 12th October.  In order to generate discussion, there will be a Slack channel devoted to the posters but, in consultation with the authors, we will also set up for each one a 30-minute slot (using Zoom or similar) during the days Monday 19th - Wednesday 21st October between 11:00am and 2:00pm ET for conversation about it.  We shall use the conference Sched site (soon to be at sc2020.sched.com) to communicate the Zoom details.

The closing date for submission of files will be Friday 9th October.

This CFP is now closed.