Metadata Call 2015-10-07
Metadata Call 2015-10-07
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Notetaker: mcmillwh
- Sharon Farnel (University of Alberta)
- mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- Rebecca Fraimow (WGBH)
- amgaynor (Univ. of Virginia)
- Ivey Glendon (Univ. of Virginia)
- Announcement: We are now the Hydra Metadata Interest Group and
Juliet Hardesty will be facilitating
- The wiki for this group and subgroups will have to be updated. Julie is working on updates.
- Subgroup Reports
- Descriptive Subgroup
- Survey raw data has been posted to wiki for last week's call: Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-09-30
- Proposed Best Practice Elements have also been posted on
Descriptive Metadata Call 2015-09-30
- format vs. content type in particular
- still questions about this element set
- spreadsheet posted to help work on the set
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- The group has developed a working document for a recommendation on dealing with title element
sanderson is working on constructing draft recommendations for dealing with name element
- also working on XSL transformation for testing
- The group will continue to go element by element in developing recommendations
- Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- No update
Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group
- Originally the Structural Metadata Subgroup
- at HydraConnect the first meeting took place and the scope was narrowed to focus on segment of a file
- concerns about interfering with PCDM work currently happening in Hydra
- at HydraConnect the first meeting took place and the scope was narrowed to focus on segment of a file
- Julie sent out a call for participants
- Avalon and IIIF are already using some standards for segments of a file
- Avalon is using W3C Media Fragments
- the group from Avalon will be working on a draft soon
- IIIF has a specification for calling out portions of an image file
- Other formats will need to be dealt with
- Avalon is using W3C Media Fragments
- The Segment of a File Subgroup will document what's already happening and look at other formats
- Originally the Structural Metadata Subgroup
- Descriptive Subgroup
- Issues / Questions
- Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
- We've been trying to determine which subgroups are best suited to tackle these
- The first two issues deal with segments of a file, but they're bigger than just segment of a file issues, so they may need to come back to the IG as a whole
- representative example of PCDM model in RDF based on user stories (need to be refreshed)
- best practices for dealing with derivatives and how they're connected to a file on an object
- Additional Items
- Islandora Metadata Interest Group potential collaboration - "Wiki" link on the right contains subgroups
- Action Items
- Julie will be contacting Islandora Metadata IG
- next meeting scheduled in 2 weeks on Wed, Oct 21
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