Metadata Call 2015-08-12

Metadata Call 2015-08-12

Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)

Notetaker: mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)



  1. Subgroup Reports
    1. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
    2. Rights Metadata Subgroup
      1. Review feedback and questions from draft recommendation
    3. Descriptive Subgroup
      1. Survey
      2. MODS
  2. Issues / Questions
  3. Structural Working Group timeline and scope
  4. Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
  5. Hydra Connect 
    1. sessions
    2. add breakouts to sessionizer
  6. Additional Items
  7. Action Items

1. Subgroup Reports

1a. Applied Linked Data Subgroup

1b. Rights Metadata Subgroup

  • Karen: A draft of Rights Metadata Recommendation was sent out for comments, but not much feedback has been received.
  • Next steps: 
    • finalize the recommendation and send out one more call for comments
    • look at Fedora Hydra rights, need to get someone on that sprint


1c. Descriptive Subgroup

   i. Survey - Carolyn

  • The group has a final draft of the survey 
  • The group held a meeting with the Samvera User Experience Interest Group
    • the two groups will likely have a meeting at Hydra Connect
  • The survey is likely to go out on Friday and will be out for a period of 2 weeks

  ii. MODS and RDF Subgroup- Steven


2. Issues/Questions

  • Use of opaque namespace at Oregon and Santa Barbara 
    • Karen: if they couldn't find something, they would define it with an opaque namespace and make it available
    • longer term there may be a need for a namespace where people can register terms where it can be hosted so users don't have to run their own servers
    • An unofficial standard may emerge from this group and users could employ custom URIs
    • Tom: advocates for WG to establish guidelines for minting new terms
    • This might be a separate task to list out
      • What do custom vocabulary terms look like and what should they look like for our community?

3. Structural WG timeline and scope

  • Karen: Rights metadata WG is wrapping up, so the Structural WG will begin its work. Julie Hardesty will lead the group.
  • The goal is to flesh out models using PCDM
  • Would this be a good channel for discussing PCDM changes?
    • possibly, but this group is to take the user stories we collected & flesh them out more
    • there is other work on PCDM and Hydra going on that might overlap
    • there will be a lot of activity around PCDM at Hydra Connect


4. Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities

  • People have been submitting requests informally
  • A Metadata IG Requests and Priorities page has been started on the wiki to keep track to requests and priorities
    • only a few of them still need to be done
  • Should we advertise this page to the community and ask them to add requests or priorities to this page?
    • It would be good to have a central place to reduce duplication of efforts
    • How would communication then flow out to people when tasks are complete?
    • GitHub Issues is a possibility
  • Is there a procedure for surfacing items from the list of priorities to agendas?
    • we can keep a slot on the agenda to address items in the list


5. HydraConnect Presentations

  • Karen: we have 2 sessions scheduled
    • a 5 minute lightning talk re: broad overview of what the group has done so far
    • a 20 minute in-depth talk that will include:
      • Updates from Descriptive Metadata WG survey
      • Updates from Applied Linked Data group
    • There are opportunities for breakouts, but sign up soon


6. Additional Items

  • None


7. Action Items

  • Karen: will send out wrap-up & last call for feedback re: Rights Metadata Recommendation
  • Carolyn: sending out the survey on Friday
  • Karen will send out notification re: Confluence page about issues, requests, etc.
  • Julie will send out communication re: start of Structural Metadata WG

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