Metadata Call 2015-08-12
Metadata Call 2015-08-12
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: kestlund (Univ. of Oregon)
Notetaker: mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- kestlund (Univ of Oregon)
- Sharon Farnel (UCSD)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Rebecca Fraimow (WGBH)
- Corey Harper (New York Univ.)
- tamsin woo (DPLA)
- Arwen Hutt (UCSD)
- carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)
- Subgroup Reports
- Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- Rights Metadata Subgroup
- Review feedback and questions from draft recommendation
- Descriptive Subgroup
- Survey
- Issues / Questions
- Structural Working Group timeline and scope
- Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
- Hydra Connect
- sessions
- add breakouts to sessionizer
- Additional Items
- Action Items
1. Subgroup Reports
1a. Applied Linked Data Subgroup
- Steven: More unit tests have been completed, see Applied Linked Data Call 2015-08-06
- Met for a standup on https://github.com/ActiveTriples/linked-data-fragments/pull/18
- Group discussed meta-authority records
- if a URI is missing info, can it be updated locally?
- Next meeting will be August 20th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST.
1b. Rights Metadata Subgroup
- Karen: A draft of Rights Metadata Recommendation was sent out for comments, but not much feedback has been received.
- Next steps:
- finalize the recommendation and send out one more call for comments
- look at Fedora Hydra rights, need to get someone on that sprint
1c. Descriptive Subgroup
i. Survey - Carolyn
- The group has a final draft of the survey
- The group held a meeting with the
Samvera User Experience Interest Group
- the two groups will likely have a meeting at Hydra Connect
- The survey is likely to go out on Friday and will be out for a period of 2 weeks
ii. MODS and RDF Subgroup- Steven
- discussed the ways different institutions are translating the MODS XML title elements in RDF
- comparing alternative, uniform, parallel, translated, standard titleInfo/title
- currently focusing on title element, then will move on to creators, contributors, etc.
- discussion based on the seven attempted mappings at: MODS Title Individual Institution Usage And RDF Conversion
- a survey will be sent out to gain anonymous feedback about different implementations and what level of mapping support we should focus on.
- hope to use this to finalize the title element during the next call.
- Notes from meeting - https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/MODS+and+RDF+Call+2015-08-10
- Next call is MODS and RDF Call 2015-08-24
2. Issues/Questions
- Use of opaque namespace at Oregon and Santa Barbara
- Karen: if they couldn't find something, they would define it with an opaque namespace and make it available
- longer term there may be a need for a namespace where people can register terms where it can be hosted so users don't have to run their own servers
- An unofficial standard may emerge from this group and users could employ custom URIs
- Tom: advocates for WG to establish guidelines for minting new terms
- we may not need to resolve the issue of community namespace to do that
- see 5 Stars of Linked Data Vocabulary
- This might be a separate task to list out
- What do custom vocabulary terms look like and what should they look like for our community?
3. Structural WG timeline and scope
- Karen: Rights metadata WG is wrapping up, so the Structural WG will begin its work. Julie Hardesty will lead the group.
- The goal is to flesh out models using PCDM
- Would this be a good channel for discussing PCDM changes?
- possibly, but this group is to take the user stories we collected & flesh them out more
- there is other work on PCDM and Hydra going on that might overlap
- there will be a lot of activity around PCDM at Hydra Connect
4. Keeping Track of Metadata WG Requests and Priorities
- People have been submitting requests informally
- A
Metadata IG Requests and Priorities page has been started on the wiki to keep track to requests and priorities
- only a few of them still need to be done
- Should we advertise this page to the community and ask them to add requests or priorities to this page?
- It would be good to have a central place to reduce duplication of efforts
- How would communication then flow out to people when tasks are complete?
- GitHub Issues is a possibility
- Is there a procedure for surfacing items from the list of priorities to agendas?
- we can keep a slot on the agenda to address items in the list
5. HydraConnect Presentations
- Karen: we have 2 sessions scheduled
- a 5 minute lightning talk re: broad overview of what the group has done so far
- a 20 minute in-depth talk that will include:
- Updates from Descriptive Metadata WG survey
- Updates from Applied Linked Data group
- There are opportunities for breakouts, but sign up soon
6. Additional Items
- None
7. Action Items
- Karen: will send out wrap-up & last call for feedback re: Rights Metadata Recommendation
- Carolyn: sending out the survey on Friday
- Karen will send out notification re: Confluence page about issues, requests, etc.
- Julie will send out communication re: start of Structural Metadata WG
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