2023-05-31 Outreach & Engagement notes


May 31, 2023


  • @Chris Awre - regrets

  • Molly Reed

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Heather Greer Klein


Samvera motto discussion


Notes from last meeting:

Website next steps

  • Easy to add pages and text, but not the structure of the site

Attendance poll for connect

Invest in Open conversation - Catalog of Open Infrastructure


Review mottos:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16b10trFY-hJ1U1XCZWERGkFkiXWwHVnlJecwta-_xhc/edit#gid=0

  • Two options; might be useful in different contexts:

    • Growing Open Technologies Together

    • Collaboratively powering the future of knowledge sharing


  • Looked at https://www.avalonmediasystem.org/ as a potential model for Hyku and Hyrax subdomain sites

  • Map out our communication issues, and make sure people looking to our technologies can find the information they need – about the technology and the community. We need to structure the information in a way that makes those who are interested in learning more feel supported and informed, reduce confusion

  • Heather will meet with Adam to figure out how much work is required to get the website structure where we envision it

  • Sounds like we have different messages for different groups: developers, funders, decision makers, etc.