Committers Call 2014-02-10


  • Moderator: Glen Horton (UC)
  • Notetaker: Chris Colvard (IU)
  • Attendees:
    • Jim Coble (Duke)
      David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
      Carolyn Cole (PSU)
      James Van Mil (UC)
      Glen Horton (UC)
      Justin Coyne (DCE)
      Adam Hallett (NU)
      Mike Stroming (NU)
      Edgar Garcia (NU)

  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Blockers for ActiveFedora 7 release
    1. Tom Johnson  (wink)
      1. Justin hasn't heard much about activity on this lately
      2. Move to not wait on the RDF patch
      3. Release 7 when ready and patch would go into 7.1
  3. ActiveFedora 7.0.0.rc2 (Justin)
    1. Released today
    2. There is a PR for Hydra-head which depends on this RC
    3. Once the PR is merged will wait a week and then release final
  4. hydra-head 6.5.0.rc1 (David C-S, Duke)
    1. It causes the Blacklight deprecation warnings to go away
    2. David will release RC1, email the list and if he doesn't hear anything negative will go ahead and release final
  5. Sufia 3.7 (Carolyn)
    1. Released on Friday
    2. Justin has a PR to remove most deprecation warnings
    3. HH 6.5 will remove the rest of the warnings
    4. Carolyn will wait until HH 6.5 before releasing Sufia 3.7.1 which will include Justin's PR
  6. Hydra 6.2
    1. David will start working on this and send out an email when he has a test candidate
    2. Chris will help test using Avalon
  7. Next Call: Feb. 17
    • Moderator:  Carolyn Cole (PSU)
    • Note taker:  David Chandek-Stark (Duke)