Committers call 2012-04-30

Committers call 2012-04-30


  • moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • notetaker: Michael Klein (Stanford)
  • Simon Lamb (Hull)
  • Molly Pickral (UVA)
  • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
  • Justin Coyne (Mediashelf)
  • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
  • Banu Lakshminarayanan (Notre Dame)

Agenda and Notes

  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Next call:
    • May 7, 2012
    • moderator: Justin Coyne
    • notetaker: Adam Wead
  3. Does M. Giarlo's fix for RDF_Datastream need to be put into master? - Deferred
  4. html_safe on adding basic MODS asset (via Janna Wemekamp) Jessie will investigate today
  5. Delete button routing to wrong URL (via Janna Wemekamp) Jessie will investigate today
  6. Release plans
    1. 4.1
      1. What's included?
        1. HYDRA-781 - search by fields (replacing find_by_fields_by_solr)
          1. Current functionality is missing/deprecated
        2. Upgrade to Blacklight 3.4+
        3. Anything else?
      2. When can it be released?
    2. 5.0
      1. Separation of core functionality into separate gems
      2. hasModel as mixins (could this be in a 4.x if it retains backward-compatibility?)
  7. Very near term work
    • ಠ_ಠ
  8. JIRA:
    1. Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
      1. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+fixVersion+is+EMPTY+ORDER+BY+updated+DESC%2C+priority+DE
    2. Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for Apr 30 (today):
      1. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=fixVersion+%3D+%22weekly+sprint+for+Apr+30+2012%22+AND+project+%3D+HYDRA