Committers Call 2011-11-14

Committers Call 2011-11-14


  • Mike Stroming (NWU)
  • Jessie (Stanford)
  • Matt Zumwalt (MediaShelf)
  • Justin (MediaShelf)
  • Joe (UVa)
  • Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  • Adam Wead (Rockhall) notetaker
  • Julie Meloni (UVa) moderator
  • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)

Agenda and Notes

  1. Call for agenda items
    • none
  2. Combined Blacklight-Hydra committers call Mon Nov 21 10-11am PST (1-2pm EST)
    1. any prep needed?
      • Matt: bring Hydra-related issues to the discussion
    2. moderator / notetaker?
      • Matt Z. should moderate; note taker TBA
  3. Next Hydra call: 11/28
    • moderator: Julie Meloni; notetaker: Mike Stroming
  4. can we easily get "release notes" out of github for all the separate repositories?
    • Naomi: Better to have way to know what's changed between releases. Jessie: git messages may not be that helpful because they can have a more internal language. Matt: List of Jira tickets is better. Changelog file is another option, to be done by the release manager. Matt: cobble together changelog file from Jira tickets.
    • Release notes will go into HISTORY.textile file, compiled by release manager and symlinked to RELEASE_NOTES for clarification.
  5. time for gitflow?
    1. specific plan for adoption
    2. http://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/2010/why-arent-you-using-git-flow/
      • Matt: people should try using gitflow first in other projects. Justin, Eddie and Jessie are less than enthusiastic, as well as other folks on the call here.
      • Why should we use it?
        • Matt: Solves confusion of merging and rebasing in a distributed environment.
        • Eddie: Potentially easier to bring on new developers.
        • Matt: Easier than learning git-rebase
        • Justin: Barrier because it's another tool you have to use (along with all these others, Solr, Fedora, etc...)
      • No impetus at this time. If others on the team start using it, then we'll revisit this.
  6. HydraHead
    1. 3.0.1 released - w000000t!
    2. 3.1 release plan? What else needs to be included?
      • it is HH 3.0 adapted to use AF 3.1
      • Matt: Rails 3.1 support should be added soon and to be release as 3.2. We shouldn't worry about matching Rails 3.1 with HH 3.1 because it will be more problematic down the line. Eddie: With update in Jira that track sprints, we should have better control over versions
      • 3.1 will be released shortly; 3.2 is already planned but without a specific date yet.
  7. JettyWrapper report?
    • Need HH 3.1 in Hudson before JettyWrapper can be released.
  8. ActiveFedora
    1. 3.1.1 out - w0000t!
    2. What is the problem with  active_fedora_model_s?  How should we fix it?
      • Matt: Should use has_model with the full URI, such as has_model_s:"info:fedora/afmodel:MyModel"
      • How to deprecate active_fedora_model_s?
      • Postponed for further discussion
  9. OM
    1. rewrite plan email from Matt Z? (poke)
      • Matt: has some ideas for better domain-specific language in forming OM terms, but need more time to let it grow.
      • Waiting on Matt
  10. Solrizer
    1. any desire/plans for JMS messaging to trigger solrizing (Hull)?
      • Tabled for later discussion
  11. Jira Round up from Sprint for Nov 14 (today):
    • 522 and other documentation tickets - Matt: Didn't get any documentation written
    • 684 - can delete branches, Rdocs are working
    • 689 - not fixed yet but will be for 3.1
    • 691 - Probably fixed, but Matt needs to check
    • 634 - Can be closed
    • 687 - Fixed between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1
    • Remaining tickets will be moved over to next week.
  12. JIRA grooming
  13. Other issues:
    • Matt will look into issues with jetty wrapper and rake tasks, cleanup Jira tickets and give us a clean git tree!