Committers Call 2012-11-12
Committers Call 2012-11-12
- Moderator: Michael Klein (Northwestern)
- Notetaker: Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- JIRA Wrangler: Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
- Attendees:
- Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
- Chris Colvard (IU)
- Jessie Keck (Stanford)
- Call for Agenda items
- Next call
- Date: Nov. 19th
- Moderator: Naomi
- Notetaker: Justin
- JIRA Wrangler: Jessie
- Ruby Security vuln:
- Upgrade to ruby-1.9.3-p327
- http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2012/11/09/ruby19-hashdos-cve-2012-5371/
- Anything that POSTS data from an untrusted source (mbklein)
- Jessie: Just wondering if Hydra is subject to this
- New Rails (3.2.9) will likely be released today.
- Justin: It's released
- Hydra Developers' Congress, Dec. 3-5
- Vote on agenda topics at http://goo.gl/mod/nOa3
- OM
- Do we need a release? (mstroming)
- Justin: Adam Wead released an RC for 1.8
- Do we need a release? (mstroming)
- ActiveFedora
- 5.0.0.rc2 has been released with updated OM and solrizer dependencies.
- Justin: released today
- 5.0.0.rc2 has been released with updated OM and solrizer dependencies.
- Hydra-Head
- (carryover) Needs a pre2 version of blacklight for hydra-file-access
- Justin: Being worked on
- (carryover) Should be built against a new version of ActiveFedora
- Justin: Being worked on
- (carryover) (Jessie has a security issue)
- Jessie: emailed the person, but hasn't gotten a response yet. Patched issues. 4.1.3 released that addresses these issues. If you use destroy_child_assets in a model, upgrade to 4.1.3
- (carryover) Needs a pre2 version of blacklight for hydra-file-access
- Solrizer
- (carryover) Still issues with solrizing dates. dates formatted as 2012-11-05 are not valid solr dates. I think we need something like 2012-11-05T12:00:00Z. See solr_dates branch of active-fedora for a failing test
- Justin: We need to ask Adam
- (carryover) Still issues with solrizing dates. dates formatted as 2012-11-05 are not valid solr dates. I think we need something like 2012-11-05T12:00:00Z. See solr_dates branch of active-fedora for a failing test
- Solrizer-Fedora
- Naomi: Nothing new to report
- Very Near Term Work
- Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for November 12 (today):
- Hot Plate
- Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for November 12 (today):