Committers Call 2012-05-21

Committers Call 2012-05-21


  • Moderator: Chris Beer (Stanford)
  • Notetaker: Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
  • Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
  • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
  • Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
  • Michael Klein (Stanford)
  • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
  • Molly Pickral (UVA)
  • Chris Colvard (Indiana)
  • Dan Brubaker Horst (Notre Dame)


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. Next meeting will be June 4th, 2012: 
    • Moderator: Justin
    • Notetaker: Adam
Housekeeping Notes
  1. Updating weekly sprint links in committers call agenda
    1. Naomi - make sure the links work
  2. Hudson progress report - Chris Beer http://ci.projectblacklight.org/jenkins/view/Hydra/
    1. AF 1.8.7 failures due to hash ordering
    2. Hydra-head 1.8.7 failures due to HYDRA-806
    3. builds passing, DNS will be changed soon. - Chris Beer
  1. Hyhead release manager report - Jessie
    1. Most of the reported issues are still there - Jessie
    2. Make a list of tickets in priority order? - Naomi
  2. Hyhead 4.0.1 release
    1. Maybe Memorial Day week? Need to discuss - Jessie
  3. Deprecation warnings - Justin https://groups.google.com/group/hydra-tech/browse_thread/thread/2af3f764f8957cc4
    1. Has changes but needs to fix build issue before pushing - Justin
  4. Rubygems permissions for all gems for release managers
    1. Should all committers have rights for every part of the stack? -Naomi
    2. Ping people in IRC if you have an issue - Chris Beer
Current Work
  1. Recent emails to the list
    1. None to discuss
  2. Hyhead (model) Code refactor
    1. In Progress. What needs to be deprecated and kept until release 6?  Good agenda item for Partners Meeting - Naomi
    2. 5.0.x branch in a state of flux and will be for a while - Naomi
  3. Workflows / Javascript stuff - Jessie Keck
    1. Would like to hear what Adam has to say about next agenda item
  4. Javascript stuff - Adam Wead
    • separation of Blacklight js and Hydra-Head js, yes/no?
      • Bunch of code nulls out Blacklight code - Adam
      • Sounds like a Blacklight issue? - Justin
      • We could move those null out calls to a different JS file - Jessie
      • If BL puts these in separate files, BL could have a master file to include everything - Justin
      • Sounds good in the asset pipeline world, we should bring this up to BL - Chris Beer
      • What is Hydra-Head.js relying on BL for?  If we don't need them, we can remove it.  That way we don't have to ask BL to do stuff to make Hydra code work - Adam
    • what hydra-specific js functionality is planned?
      • Is this part of what are we doing with the Hydra UI?  Part of Partners Meeting agenda. - Naomi
      • Yes, let's table this - Adam
  5. OM Documentation questions - Chris Beer
    1. Documentation or code issue?  Documentation doesn't match up with code? Make implementation tests and verify/update documentation  - Chris Beer
    2. Naomi will help Chris Beer if she has time this week
  6. Other very near term work
    1. Justin is right, debugger sucks, commented it out - Ben
    2. It does weird things to active-fedora - Chris Beer
    3. As a practice, we don't need it. - Justin
    4. Hudson build fails.  Will remove debugger across projects - Chris Beer
    1. Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
      1. https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+fixVersion+is+EMPTY+ORDER+BY+updated+DESC%2C+priority+DESC
      2. Tickets covered - 807, 799, 804, 802, 790, 800
    2. Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for May 21 (today)
      1. Tickets coverered - 805, 803, 764, 750, 509, 507

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