Committers Call 2012-05-21
Committers Call 2012-05-21
- Moderator: Chris Beer (Stanford)
- Notetaker: Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
- Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
- Jessie Keck (Stanford)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Michael Klein (Stanford)
- Ben Armintor (Columbia)
- Molly Pickral (UVA)
- Chris Colvard (Indiana)
- Dan Brubaker Horst (Notre Dame)
- Call for Agenda items
- Next meeting will be June 4th, 2012:
- Moderator: Justin
- Notetaker: Adam
Housekeeping Notes
- Updating weekly sprint links in committers call agenda
- Naomi - make sure the links work
- Hudson progress report - Chris Beer http://ci.projectblacklight.org/jenkins/view/Hydra/
- AF 1.8.7 failures due to hash ordering
- Hydra-head 1.8.7 failures due to HYDRA-806
- builds passing, DNS will be changed soon. - Chris Beer
- Hyhead release manager report - Jessie
- Most of the reported issues are still there - Jessie
- Make a list of tickets in priority order? - Naomi
- Hyhead 4.0.1 release
- Maybe Memorial Day week? Need to discuss - Jessie
- Deprecation warnings - Justin https://groups.google.com/group/hydra-tech/browse_thread/thread/2af3f764f8957cc4
- Has changes but needs to fix build issue before pushing - Justin
- Rubygems permissions for all gems for release managers
- Should all committers have rights for every part of the stack? -Naomi
- Ping people in IRC if you have an issue - Chris Beer
Current Work
- Recent emails to the list
- None to discuss
- Hyhead (model) Code refactor
- In Progress. What needs to be deprecated and kept until release 6? Good agenda item for Partners Meeting - Naomi
- 5.0.x branch in a state of flux and will be for a while - Naomi
- Workflows / Javascript stuff - Jessie Keck
- Would like to hear what Adam has to say about next agenda item
- Javascript stuff - Adam Wead
- separation of Blacklight js and Hydra-Head js, yes/no?
- Bunch of code nulls out Blacklight code - Adam
- Sounds like a Blacklight issue? - Justin
- We could move those null out calls to a different JS file - Jessie
- If BL puts these in separate files, BL could have a master file to include everything - Justin
- Sounds good in the asset pipeline world, we should bring this up to BL - Chris Beer
- What is Hydra-Head.js relying on BL for? If we don't need them, we can remove it. That way we don't have to ask BL to do stuff to make Hydra code work - Adam
- what hydra-specific js functionality is planned?
- Is this part of what are we doing with the Hydra UI? Part of Partners Meeting agenda. - Naomi
- Yes, let's table this - Adam
- separation of Blacklight js and Hydra-Head js, yes/no?
- OM Documentation questions - Chris Beer
- Documentation or code issue? Documentation doesn't match up with code? Make implementation tests and verify/update documentation - Chris Beer
- Naomi will help Chris Beer if she has time this week
- Other very near term work
- Justin is right, debugger sucks, commented it out - Ben
- It does weird things to active-fedora - Chris Beer
- As a practice, we don't need it. - Justin
- Hudson build fails. Will remove debugger across projects - Chris Beer
- Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
- https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+HYDRA+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+fixVersion+is+EMPTY+ORDER+BY+updated+DESC%2C+priority+DESC
- Tickets covered - 807, 799, 804, 802, 790, 800
- Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for May 21 (today)
- Tickets coverered - 805, 803, 764, 750, 509, 507
- Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
, multiple selections available,
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