Committers Call 2012-12-17

Committers Call 2012-12-17


  • Moderator: Jessie Keck (Stanford)
  • Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
  • JIRA Wrangler: Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
  • Attendees: 
    • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
    • Dan Coughlin (Penn State)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
    • Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
    • Adam Wead (RRHOF)
    • Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
    • Edgar Garcia (Northwestern)
    • Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
    • Jessie Keck (Stanford)
    • Naomi Dushay (Stanford)
    • Monty Hindman (Stanford)


  1. Call for Agenda items
  2. Next call
    1. Date: January 7, 2013 ?
    2. Moderator: Adam Wead (RRHOF)
    3. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
    4. JIRA Wrangler: Justin Coyne (MediaShelf)
  3. Switch to github issue tracker?
    1. Simpler, easier for casual users, blacklight does it.
    2. No voiced opposition – Justin to poll hydra-tech before moving forward
  4. ActiveFedora 5.2, what's the status?
    1. HYDRA-903 and related issues with dirty tracking.  Causes more saves than necessary in certain scenarios.
    2. HYDRA-903 is blocking work on HYDRA-900
    3. NOTE: Avoid 5.1 and 5.2 if you can due to performance-related bugs. Chris is actively working on getting these worked out in 5.2
  5. Hydra Head 5 release
    1. DONE!
  6. Solrizer/Solrizer-Fedora merge into AF
    1. Look over and test out my branch: https://github.com/cjcolvar/active_fedora/tree/solrizer-merge
    2. I can't be on the call, but email me or catch me on irc this week (cjcolvar)
      1. Some (Adam) use Solrizer outside of the AF context, so there was some resistance to merging these components together
      2. Adam to take this up with Chris on hydra-tech
  7. Very Near Term Work
    1. Sufia release coming soon
  8. JIRA
    1. Jira Weekly Round up from sprint for December 17
      1. type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

        Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

    2. Hot Plate
      1. type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

        Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.